9/11 was an outside job!!11!


Fixin' Shit that Ain't Broke
Valued Senior Member
That's right sheeple! Pull your head from the sand and see the truth!!1 The events of 9/11 were planned and executed by evil individuals outside of the US government...controlled by people outside of the CIA..all for the benefit of people outside the Zionist controlled Israel!!11

All of the evidence can be found in this YouTube video:
What about the fact that BBC reported WTC7 collapsing 20 minutes before its collapse? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7SwOT29gbc

O, and Fox.

And this building didn't even fall from an explosion or crash, it just magically fell. Thank you FOX!

Sooo 2 news agencies reported this building falling before it did and you mean to tell me there was no prior knowledge of this? give me a break.

Start your own thread...this is a comedy thread about 9/11 being an OUTSIDE job. Feel free to start your own..and I'd be happy to debate you on the topic.
It wasn't Al Quaeda.
It was not-so ancient aliens trying to make room for another pyramid!

(Possibly with the covert aid of giant invisible hyraces working from inside the CIA).
That's right sheeple! Pull your head from the sand and see the truth!!1 The events of 9/11 were planned and executed by evil individuals outside of the US government...controlled by people outside of the CIA..all for the benefit of people outside the Zionist controlled Israel!!11

All of the evidence can be found in this YouTube video:

That cat is just to funny . I can see why it got so many hits . It just touches the funny bone some how . The vibrational feeling from watching its repetitiveness I think
Oh, right when the Millennium turned. I understand how that could happen.