9/11- The Pentagon Attack

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Perhaps this thread will sizzle out, but I wanted to address this topic and it truly is enormous, so thought I'd create a thread for it.

Citizens Investigation Team's www.thepentacon.com

This post is in response to the 1st part of shaman_'s post 795 in the WTC Collapses thread.

scott3x said:
There is lots of evidence for the flyover theory as http://www.thepentacon.com/ makes clear.

They are probably the most idiotic members of the truth movement.

Ever quick with the insults there shaman_. Apparently you don't realize that such insults speak more of your own tempermental character then of the people you use it against? Anyway, I strongly disagree with your assertion.

You may not like the insult scott but there is no other way to describe it.

Yes, there is. You could say "I don't agree with them, because of x, y, z. Heck, you could even say that you don't like those CIT types. But to go on with base insults to me speaks volumes of how you let emotions cloud your argumentative judgement.

shaman_ said:
If I was a truther I would still distance myself from them. They interview people who say that they saw the plane hit the pentagon, they take their own interpretations of the flight path and then conclude that a plane didn’t hit the pentagon.

The plane was flown very close to the pentagon and the explosion was timed very closely to make it resemble as if the plane actually crashed into the pentagon. Then there was all the media hoopla that it did, in fact, crash into the pentagon. However, there was atleast one person who saw a plane going -over- the pentagon. The light poles were also clearly knocked over by something other then a plane.

The witness testimony and physical evidence makes the case overwhelming but they ignore all that and cling to their own interpretations of a few people.

They've done a heck of a lot more taped interviews then any official source. The only case that is overwhelming is theirs.
The plane was flown very close to the pentagon and the explosion was timed very closely to make it resemble as if the plane actually crashed into the pentagon. Then there was all the media hoopla that it did, in fact, crash into the pentagon. However, there was atleast one person who saw a plane going -over- the pentagon. The light poles were also clearly knocked over by something other then a plane.

Rubbish deduction. Please see bigger picture of what islamic terrorist want to do to the west. Don't just hide in a room thinking rubbish. if you want to be superior, then solve the equation of E≈MC^2.
scott3x said:
The plane was flown very close to the pentagon and the explosion was timed very closely to make it resemble as if the plane actually crashed into the pentagon. Then there was all the media hoopla that it did, in fact, crash into the pentagon. However, there was atleast one person who saw a plane going -over- the pentagon. The light poles were also clearly knocked over by something other then a plane.

Rubbish deduction.

Look, CIT has presented a lot of evidence that no plane actually hit the pentagon. Simply saying that the evidence is 'rubbish deduction' doesn't change the fact that they have a very strong case.

Please see bigger picture of what islamic terrorist want to do to the west.

Personally, I think islamic terrorists/militants are far more interested in not having their countries occupied; which, ofcourse, was a direct result -of- 9/11. Aside from a fake video, Osama Bin-Laden has stated that he did -not- mastermind 9/11. The guy they're now blaming was directly responsible is apparently some mentally unstable guy who is a nothing more then a convenient patsy. There are -so- many holes in the official story that only the most staunch government supporters are still persuaded in its entirety. Everyone now knows that there were no 'weapons of mass destruction' and that the U.S.'s attempt to make Saddam Hussein's Iraq somehow linked to Al Quaeda was absurd. It's also clear that the U.S. wanted to invade Afghanistan and Iraq long before 9/11 and was apparently amassing troups near Afghanistan before 9/11; in other words, things were conveniently set up so that all they needed was a pretext to get in there.

Don't just hide in a room thinking rubbish. if you want to be superior...

I want justice.
Justice is done. USA already successfully invade Iraq and killed those shit islamic terrorist. World become more peaceful now. But USA also need to pay the price as well, that is economy downturn and lost of army life and huge budget is drained to Iraq in reconstruction. Actually if US can abandon Iraq after executed Saddam hussein or capture terrorist mastermind, US will free of major problem like condemned occupation and huge budget, soldiers life etc. but US is always too 'kind' to recontructing Iraq. Let those Iraqi build the country alone. let them live or die....:D
Justice is done. USA already successfully invade Iraq and killed those shit islamic terrorist. World become more peaceful now. But USA also need to pay the price as well, that is economy downturn and lost of army life and huge budget is drained to Iraq in reconstruction. Actually if US can abandon Iraq after executed Saddam hussein or capture terrorist mastermind, US will free of major problem like condemned occupation and huge budget, soldiers life etc. but US is always too 'kind' to recontructing Iraq. Let those Iraqi build the country alone. let them live or die....:D

The beleif that Saddam Hussein or Iraq had anything to do with 911 is extremely ignorant. Even Biush and the neocons are on the record saying this. Is hating muslims more important to you than the truth ?
The beleif that Saddam Hussein or Iraq had anything to do with 911 is extremely ignorant. Even Biush and the neocons are on the record saying this. Is hating muslims more important to you than the truth ?

Saddam didn't related to 911 attack. But most of the terrorists hidden in Iraq. One way to catch those terrorists is to invade Iraq and capture those terrorists. Now, US is more peaceful than last time..
Saddam didn't related to 911 attack. But most of the terrorists hidden in Iraq. One way to catch those terrorists is to invade Iraq and capture those terrorists. Now, US is more peaceful than last time..

Do you have any evidence that "most of the terrorists [were] hidden in Iraq"? What terrorists are we talking about exactly? And what is your evidence that the U.S. is more peaceful than "last time"? Which time was that, by the way?
Do you have any evidence that "most of the terrorists [were] hidden in Iraq"? What terrorists are we talking about exactly? And what is your evidence that the U.S. is more peaceful than "last time"? Which time was that, by the way?

Why are you so interested in twisting the fact? If you all so interesting in twisting it, how about also twist the fact of Bali bombing that caused by kitchen accident? or UK bus bombing is caused by fuel leaking in the bus tank? I want to hear your kid's tales...
if you keep arguing you are right, then you will not worth your effort...
Another thing i want to tell you is read more world news, don't hide in a corner creating your own world news. there is a famous phrase of Malay (Katak di bawah temburung) or famous chinese quote (井 底 之 蛙 ) that is frog hidden under a shell or well, which means you can't see the world if you keep hidden under the shell.

If you want to get famous, come solve the equation E≈mc^2, big bang matter, gravity levitation, space warp, UFO, ghost and God matter etc....
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scott3x said:
Do you have any evidence that "most of the terrorists [were] hidden in Iraq"? What terrorists are we talking about exactly? And what is your evidence that the U.S. is more peaceful than "last time"? Which time was that, by the way?

Why are you so interested in twisting the fact?

What makes you believe I'm twisting facts?

If you all so interesting in twisting it, how about also twist the fact of Bali bombing that caused by kitchen accident? or UK bus bombing is caused by fuel leaking in the bus tank? I want to hear your kid's tales...

1- I don't know much about the above incidents
2- They are not directly related to the 9/11 Pentagon Attack anyway.

if you keep arguing you are right, then you will not worth your effort...

Your phrasing was a little off there; I'm not sure if you're saying it wouldn't be worth my effort to keep arguing, or yours; perhaps you meant both. In any case, do you have any evidence to support this claim?

Another thing i want to tell you is read more world news, don't hide in a corner creating your own world news.

Do you have any evidence that I am creating my own world news?

there is a famous phrase of Malay. (Katak di bawah temburung) that is frog hidden under a shell, which means you can't see the world if you keep hidden under the shell.

Do you have any evidence I'm hiding under a metaphorical shell?

If you want to get famous, come solve the equation E≈mc^2

I'm looking for justice here, not fame.
does WTC collapse killed your family, relatives or friends? then i really sympathy of them... That is the evil act of those fucking islamic terrorist under the guidance of biased islamic teaching in mosque or Surau. shame of Islam...
I Never seen a religion that spread hatred in the praying ground. Only islam did it the worst... they spread hatred in mosque. that is really shame...
1- I don't know much about the above incidents (Bali bombing & UK bus bombing)
2- They are not directly related to the 9/11 Pentagon Attack anyway.

Oh My God... That's really Frog under the Shell... Why can you miss these important world news? You really need to study more my friend.... or you can ask me.. i am well verse in science and world's matter....
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