9/11 the falling man


Registered Senior Member
Anyone seen this? i'm watchin it just now, makes me feel angry that the mexican family because of their religious beliefs dont want to think it could have been their father that jumped because he would be going to hell, they dont know for sure if it was or it wasnt but thats not the point nobody can understand the horror what they went through in the towers so how can we judge people for making a clear decision on how their life would end, either burn to death or hit the ground at high speed = instant death.
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9/11 the twin towers 2001, the falling man is a documentary on the people who jumped to their death.
The man jumped because if he didn't he was dead. He jumped because he wanted to live not die. In a situation like he was in the chances of him living from the jump were almost zero but maybe by some miricle he might have lived. But to stay in the tower was 100% death.
I got a glimpse of it, did they find out the identity of the falling man ??? I could never watch anything 9/11 related, it seriously freaks me out.
The falling man is a famous picture of a man falling from the burning towers in NY after the jihad action carried out by muslims on September 11.

My guess is that the man faced the terror of burning to death and and terror took over him and he would have been focused on getting away from the heat rather than focused on ending his life.

God looks into the heart and sees the intents of men He is just and mercyfull.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Did anyone else notice that the picture looks very similar to "The Hanged Man" from Tarot decks?
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The falling man is a famous picture of a man falling from the burning towers in NY after the jihad action carried out by muslims on September 11.

My guess is that the man faced the terror of burning to death and and terror took over him and he would have been focused on getting away from the heat rather than focused on ending his life.

God looks into the heart and sees the intents of men He is just and mercyfull.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Thank you for pointing out that God is just and mercyful, I am sure that this man is thinking the very same thing.

Your comments are stupid beyond belief.
I saw this advertised on TV, but I can't watch it. Its too hard.
I heard one of the murder victims hit the top part of a light pole and was cut in half. I just keep hoping it wasn't true. I've never looked it up because I'm afraid to find that it is true.
Thank you for pointing out that God is just and mercyful, I am sure that this man is thinking the very same thing.

Your comments are stupid beyond belief.

I have no idea what this man was thinking at this moment before he died. But your comments upon my comments are worthless and add nothing to the discussion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days