82% of Brits say Religion is harmful

Polls can be manipulated to show whatever the buyer wants them to say/prove. Only fools and politicians believe polls.

Baron Max
You're right, Max.

I've just googled it and 99.5% of normal people agreed that Polls were Useless. Politicians accounted for the other 0.5%.
In Britain, I've recently been surprised at the amount of people who are atheist or anti-religious. In recent years the religious nut jobs have been stepping up the rhetoric - in particular, nutjob Muslims. And I think people are becoming increasingly secular as religious folk continue to show such confidence in silly beliefs.
How many Brits do you know personally and well enough to know their religious beliefs/preferences?

Baron max

It's not difficult to detect changes in the zeitgeist. Respect that used to be automatically given to certain aspects of religion is no longer given. In particular with 'foreign' religions who are showing some disdain for Britain.