750,000 missing kids per year in U.S.A


Registered Senior Member
where could they be going/taken????????????
is there that many active homocidal pedophiles in the USA?
i understand some would be run-away
stolen for slaves
" for sex industry slaves
and some others i dare not even think of!
is it good "global"policy to have that many kids dissapearing each year?
i wonder what the world average is when you consider
all the waring and third world countrys!
could they be used as labour source for ETs and secret govt agencies?
any thoughts/comments welcome

groove on
The "peace treaty" between the Greys and the U.S. Gov't. allows for a certain number of people (especially children) to be taken by the Greys for whatever purposes and in return the U.S. Gov't. gets technology. Call it the "price of advancement".

Also, did you know the F.B.I. holds absolutely NO FILES on missing children? They have more files on you and me than any child that "disappears" in this country.
Originally posted by Malaclypse
The "peace treaty" between the Greys and the U.S. Gov't. allows for a certain number of people (especially children) to be taken by the Greys for whatever purposes and in return the U.S. Gov't. gets technology. Call it the "price of advancement".

Also, did you know the F.B.I. holds absolutely NO FILES on missing children? They have more files on you and me than any child that "disappears" in this country.

I have seen the mention of "Greys" mentioned in a lot of post. I was wanting to look up more info on the "Greys" and the "Blonds" is there any site or information about these other than the Matrix or any names or web site about this subject?

hey all
it is hard to decypher between miss information
and the real deal but a scientific aproach is good to
use as a comparrison.
that is using humans as a resource?
why have we not heard of humans that have been taken and returned with things missing?
other than fetusses.
the web is so thick and tangled that one must look for the blazing
sword of trueth to cut through in no uncertain terms.

life is like the ocean beach
when you get caught in a rip
you can swim against it if you are strong enough
you can swim with it and risk never coming back
you can swim down and around to try and find a different current.

all are dangerouse
and maybe none will save you
but WHY give up the fight!
our nature is to survive...
but we can do SOO much more!

groove on all -where are all the people?
hey all
it is hard to decypher between miss information
and the real deal but a scientific aproach is good to
use as a comparrison.
that is using humans as a resource?
why have we not heard of humans that have been taken and returned with things missing?
other than fetusses.
the web is so thick and tangled that one must look for the blazing
sword of trueth to cut through in no uncertain terms.

life is like the ocean beach
when you get caught in a rip
you can swim against it if you are strong enough
you can swim with it and risk never coming back
you can swim down and around to try and find a different current.

all are dangerouse
and maybe none will save you
but WHY give up the fight!

groove on all :)
retilians again

Hello again all...the only species i know of that uses humans as resources would be the reptilians or dracs which as i said in another thread was released into this dimension by the Philadelphia experiment thanks much to our wonderful government. As far as websites on species i'll leave a list.

Theres a start if you want more feel free to email me or look me up on yahell im always on. As for our experience between my wife and i we've had encounters with the Subterraneans,Reptilians,Greys,Nordics and 2 unknown species one of which drew me a diagram which still hasn't been figured out whether its a dna schesmatic or a star chart. Anyway,enough.
Love and Light,
As much as I hate to admit it, I have a vivid recollection of having been taken aboard a craft by non-human, little-men type beings when I was a young child (4? or 5?). There were other human children there. I was returned, I think, because I caused too much trouble by putting up a hell of a fight.

My own family didn't believe me so I don't expect anyone else to believe me but I thought I'd put it out in this forum anyway.

Ahhhh. What a relief. That felt good.
no worries my whole family has strange stories to tell

i dont know who the author is but i read a book once called "psychic dictatorship in the u.s.a." where alot of the book is dedicated to missing children and aliens or cult groups.
thanks all
keep up the links and storys.
im very keen to learn as much as poss.
any one got a home page for these topics...maybe chat would be best!
kinda realy keen to get into some real talking!

no trolls allowed!-(miss-information/glory hunting disrupter freaks)

groove on all
I think in the year 2012 we'll make contact with the atlanteans that are still living inside
the earth.I think they know the importance of the 'new world order'.we're destroying
our planet with our nuclear weapons,and they are trying to safe it.even if millions of
us have to die for it.

it is highly important with that last comment. Although i disagree with 2012 as it will probably be much much sooner then that. I'm more prone to say the next 5 years especially with the disclosure project so pressing. This is why i joined the army to get equipmentally and knowledgely prepared. I know the military tactics and can survive in the mountains for however long i need. I have been trained as a combat medic and as a truck mechanic i know all tactical maneuvers and have been to combat twice. I will be in Kosovo 2002 so will have more training. I also know there urban assault tactics as have friends who went to that school as well. I'm prepared are you?
Anyway here is another list of links as was requested by an individual via private message and more is to follow anyone can email me at faerieshaman@yahoo.com or yahoo messenger iam currently in Germany and will be here next 6 years. Am online most of the time so feel free to look me up.

these are just a few of my bookmarks more will follow later today
Take care all and love and light,
some say september is the crunch month!
im glad i grewup learning to use the gun fishingrod axe fires
and cooking...and warfare tactics are one of my hobbies :D
i would rather have pizza but if we dont get a choice i want to have choices! :D of some sort
i guess i need to brush up on my chemistry and combustion phisics :/

groove on thnxs for the links you 'library link' dude :D
now ill be weeks on end squinting and its all your fault :D