7 Year Old Charged with Sexual Harassment for Kicking Bully in the Groin


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
A 7 year old boy who reportedly kicked a bully in the nuts in an act of self defense is being investigated for sexual harassment.

A 7-year-old boy is being investigated by his South Boston elementary school for possible sexual harassment after kicking another boy in the crotch.

The first grader’s mother, Tasha Lynch, says she was shocked by the school’s decision.

“He’s 7 years old. He doesn’t know anything about sexual harassment,” she said.

Lynch’s son, Mark Curran, said the boy that he kicked had been bullying him on the school bus ride home from Tynan Elementary last week.

“He just all of a sudden came up to him, choked him. He wanted to take his gloves, and my son said, ‘I couldn’t breathe, so I kicked him in the testicles,’” said his mother.

Lynch described a phone call she received from the school explaining that the case will be treated like sexual harassment, due to what it considers inappropriate touching.

“‘Your son kicked a little boy in the testicles. We call that sexual harassment,’” Lynch said the school told her.

She said she’s been asked to attend a disciplinary hearing at the school Monday.

Sexual harassment? I know we haven't heard the other kid's side of the story, but one 7 year old kicking another in the nuts is not sexual harassment. Especially if it's in self defense.
Fire With Fire

There is a simple solution. The family should argue before the school board accordingly, and also file a criminal complaint against the bully. If defending oneself is a sexual harassment charge, then why not charge the assault as an adult offense?

That should make the point about the absurdity of the school's position.

And if not, then file a lawsuit against the school for failing to protect the alleged harasser from the alleged assaulter.

Sometimes the only way to fight absurdity is with absurdity.
The other boy choked him ... that's called attempted murder.
Sexual harassment? I know we haven't heard the other kid's side of the story, but one 7 year old kicking another in the nuts is not sexual harassment. Especially if it's in self defense.
Choking is a sexual turn on for some people. His family should charge the other kid with sexual assault.
A person could look at another person and get charged with sexual harassment. All someone has to say is someone touched you and it is assault. You can throw popcorn at someone and get charged with assault with a weapon.
Choking is a sexual turn on for some people. His family should charge the other kid with sexual assault.

Classic example of someone needs to be fired but won't be because they have a cushy state job nearly impossible to fire someone from. Seriously, who ever is in charge of this needs to be fired due to complete incompetence.
I agree with all of you. Choking is aggravated battery and attempted murder, preemptive charge by the criminal notwithstanding.
Notice that this story appears to be based ENTIRELY on what the mother said. I wouldn't invest too much outraged emotional energy into this "story."
Surprised the kid wasn't charged with statutory rape with the way society has reinvented morality.

Ex-Marine murders person = Excusable because he served in Iraq and surely must have been suffering from PTSD.

Women shoots and kills armed intruder = She gets 6 years in a maximum security prison.

WTF happened to our society?

Classic example of someone needs to be fired but won't be because they have a cushy state job nearly impossible to fire someone from. Seriously, who ever is in charge of this needs to be fired due to complete incompetence.

um it happens all the time. just because something doesn't fit with your ideas doesn't mean it doesn't happen

Tell 'em what happened, Mr Hat.