666th commemorative post!


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
Well this post is my 666th post here on the sciforums, and I thought that I should make a thread here, on the religion board to honor the occasion.

While we're on the topic (and I'm sorry if threads about this have already been addressed, but I don't feel like rummaging around through old threads to find this information), does anyone know where the idea of a "Devil's number" even came from? I'm not even too clear on what 666 is supposed to imply. Why is it that Satan gets his own number, but not God? Does God have a number that I'm not aware of, or is it just assumed that all other numbers belong to him?

On that note if anyone has any other information related to superstitions regarding numbers (Say like 13, 7, or 42) I'd love to hear about it!
hehe. . . um. . . wait I don't have any idea what you mean by that, heh, please be more spacific!
well...ummm..666..it says so in the bible...ummm..i have an idea..invert that and get 999....put a 1 before it so you get 1999...and umm..ya...and that's the year the world ends! ..umm.. or was supposed to end.... or put that together and you get the essence of end of days...one of the most miserable films ive seen.
Hehe, how is it the inverse of 666, though? I mean mathematically there's not a very good case for it, just aesthetically, if you turned it upside-down, and that's kind of a silly way to treat numbers, don't you think?
<b>tiassa</b> had written something about this sometime ago in a separate thread (I can't seem to locate it at the moment--probably because I haven't tried!).

Anyway, the perfect number is 777. The Trinity is made up of 1 + 1 + 1 = 111. Subtract 111 from 777 and you get 666, which means that the Devil is near-perfect, but still a ways off. Add 111 to 777 and you get 888, which is the mathematical representation of YAHWEH (if I remember correctly). Since 777 is perfect, 888 would be super-perfect (i.e. Godhood).

Something like that. Anyway, here's a <a href="http://www.greaterthings.com/Essays/666mark.htm">link</a>.