65 Lashes? Jail Time?? For What???


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
I guess I just don't understand their system. For some reason it was found to not be "rape" in some legal sense, but was determined to be non-consensual sex. The distinction escapes me.

I can't imagine why the victim was punished. For the "impropriety" of reporting the crime to the authorities and making it a public matter? I can imagine that scenario in this kind of culture. Not too long ago, it was common to blame the victim in the West as well -- but even then, no one ever proposed additional "punishment" for the victim beyond the rape itself.

Seems like just another repressive regime. I wonder why aren’t we in there toppling this government as well? :bugeye:


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goofyfish ...

Could you please re-post the URL?

Doesn't work for me.


Take care :(
goofyfish ...

Thanks for the corrected URL ...

And for the chuckle.

Take care ;)