45% of Americans believe God put Humans on Earth 10,000 years ago


Registered Senior Member
That's a shocking statistic in my opinion.

Am I being hopeful when I say that each new generation of Americans will be slightly less dumb?

Edit: Some more stats.

God created humans in present form:
All Americans
Kerry voters
Bush voters

Humans evolved, God guided the process
All Americans
Kerry voters
Bush voters

Humans evolved, God did not guide process
All Americans
Kerry voters
Bush voters


Creationism and evolution

All Americans
Kerry voters
Bush voters

Creationism instead of evolution
All Americans
Kerry voters
Bush voters
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People in this country are stupid. I'm not surprised. After all, they voted for Bush twice. That kinda shows how stupid we are...

EDIT- My school teaches only evolution. Heh. Lucky us. We're gonna be smarter.
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Let me move first.

Note: The general ignorance of my fellow countrymen is fairly deep and broad. I am sad.
Well, the country was founded on religious zealots, though the founding fathers weren't. Fuck, the first European colonists on the eastern coast were Puritans...the ultimate in stupidity. With that kind pedigree, what else can you expect from this stupid country...
Hell, half the kids in my geography class didn't know where fucking IRAQ is. You know, that nation we were at war with. Fuck-ups...
And, one of my TEACHERS, believed that 10,000 years bullshit...thank goodness she was just the computer class teacher, instead of something with any impact.

Conclusion: AMERICANS ARE STUPID(mostly).
Victor E said:
USA has no hope, let's nuke em'

< Now i've gotten myself a lot of enemies :) >
No, no, by all means, please DO! Just avoid Kentucky. That's where I live. ;)
The thing that confuses me is that America appears to be the only country in the western world that has some form of rampant religious extremism - yet it's such an industrial and technological country... I thought that such countries by default became more secular like Europe.

America though is the biggest power in the world today and I'm wondering if this has any effect on it's citizens. My theory is that religious people like to feel important, and them being the most important nation in the world perhaps spoils them with self importance feeding them with the idea god created them exclusively. I might be wrong ;)
Well, first of all, I'd like to say that anyone who believes any of the polls is already a bit off the wire! Pollsters can make the "statistics" say anything that they want (or say whatever their client wishes it to say!).

As to the rest of it .....I think like most people in the western world, Americans are just happy with their computers and entertainment and don't pay much attention to anything going on around them .......except, perhaps, an "exciting" news story. The Aruba kidnapping is a prime example ...during that news story, Europe could have sunk beneath the waves of the oceans, and Natalie Whats-her-name would have been more important!

Please don't listen to the polls ...they're rigged to whichever way the pollsters wish.

Baron Max
Thanks for that Baron... for a minute there I was beginning to think that americans really did think humans appeared on Earth 10,000 years ago!

Glad to be proven wrong.
Europeans shouldn't feel too smug:

"According to a 2002 poll of adult Europeans conducted by a professional institute (IHA-GfK, Hergiswil, Switzerland), only 40% of the respondents agreed with the statement that the universe, the earth, and all organisms of the biosphere are entirely the product of a natural evolutionary process. Twenty-one percent were adherents of theistic evolution, 20% believed that God created all organisms at one time within the last 10,000 years, and 19% answered “don’t know/ other opinion”


Raithere said:
Europeans shouldn't feel too smug:

"According to a 2002 poll of adult Europeans conducted by a professional institute (IHA-GfK, Hergiswil, Switzerland), only 40% of the respondents agreed with the statement that the universe, the earth, and all organisms of the biosphere are entirely the product of a natural evolutionary process. Twenty-one percent were adherents of theistic evolution, 20% believed that God created all organisms at one time within the last 10,000 years, and 19% answered “don’t know/ other opinion”



Still... 20% thinking God created Humans 10,000 years ago is slightly better than the 45% of americans.