4 types of justice/society's imbalence


Registered Senior Member
For a healthy society to exist there has to be balance in four types of justice-equalitarian, meritarian, social and welfare. It could be said that since the beginning of the history of mankind these justices have never been in balance considering a world society. It is only in domocratice societies that have modified capitalism that have come close to keeping these types in balance. Now that we have a new "world economy" again the world has an oportunity to attempt a world society.
But there is difficulty that as a world community that we have to face right away. The Forbes 400 richest people in the world show how rich individuals have gained wealth not by great business decisions but by great ways to exploit people in this world to gain wealth. While I grant it may not be true in every case, once wealth such as this is attained, the "wealth protection" (as a commercial for a financial institution advertises) then takes over and results in exploitation as investments are made in megacorporations that DO exploit.
In the United States the polarity in wealthy and poor or even middle class has more than demonstratede the imbalance in the four types of justice.
The United Nations seems the only institution that might have a chance at reestablishing the balance the world so desperately needs. Otherwise, history will repeat the destructive conflicts we have seen in the past or we will destroy our planet.
Give your riches to the poor or the world may indeed end.......
Give your riches to the poor or the world may indeed end.......

And they will just lose that to those who take advantage of them over and over again and again.
How could a society survive and/or thrive if no one worked to better themselves and/or to have more than the others? If that was the case, then everyone would be as lazy and unproductive as the most slothful of the society ...everyone would be lazy and unproductive. I don't think that a society such as that could survive.

Baron Max
Most peoplein our society wants to better themselves today. But how many IN our society will actually have a net worth of ten million dollars? And those that have a net worth that can support their families after they die? What about all those people who inherit fortunes who do not have to do anything but play in their lifetime. Billionaires leave generation after generation of such people. In my opinion this amount of money or anything over ten million dollars is simply too much money. Having this amount of money is an incentive to contol others, stifle creativity and enourage greed. It can only have negative influences on society.
This "too much money" you speak of is NOT hidden under some bed for no one but the owner to benefit from. It is in a bank, mutual fund, investment protfolio, or the person's corporate entity. In all cases it is invested in employing people, making loans for homes, cars and tv's to all the people who do not have money. Can you think of a better way to allocate wealth ?

Limitng the net worth or income of the most productive people will only kill the golden goose out of simple bald faced class envy.
Rather foolish IMO.
So with all this allocation a person's wealth is expanded and expanded. There then should be no limit to wealth with all the good it does. If that be the case then why is there a health coverage crisis today? Why do so people children still go to bed hungry in THIS country? Why do these so called beneficent funds take jobs that are paying good wages away from so many people only to go overseas in this "global" econonmy to make more money by exploiting others. I would not equate the building of wealth with the exploitation of people. That is not "just business". That, my friends is just plain wrong! Why would one building this capital that invests in people put money in private banking to AVOID contributing to the common good. You are trying in the above statement to say that greed is a virtue, not a sin. And that is just plain false.