4 group rapists released in sweden


Registered Senior Member
Today four young rapist men of forreign origin was released.

They were accused for several hours sexually abuse and rape of two 14 and 16 year old girls.

It was clear that the abuse had taken place but it was not clear that the boys had realised that the girls didnt like the abuse. Sure the girls had said no. The girls was almost unconsious due to alcohol.

The boys was released because of this: how on earth could these four boys know that the almost unconsious girls whom they several times has sex with might dislike this act?

Ofcource the girls sexual habits was closely examined to see if they might deserve the treatment.

There is now a chance that the swedish taxpayers have to give around $5000 to each of the boys.
....Allmost unconcious, Alcohol ? Yeah Right....these girls might have taken too much GHB and got more fun than they bargained for...
There's definitely something terribly wrong with the Swedish justice system if rapists not only get released but also rewarded.
I can't help but suspect that the story is somewhat more complicated than you've described.
Socialism and liberalism at work: Protecting YOUR right to rape, pillage, and kill.
Makes sense that foreign mud people would commit such an act.

This is more proof that the future of the aryan race must be secured by national socialism.
What did the girls have to say about it?
I can't find an english version of this story.
weak. here, if the victim is drunk, unconscious or otherwise unable to give consent it is automatically rape. lack of consent = rape. their sexual habits? unbelievable. if she sleeps with twenty guys and three girls that night but then says no or fails to say yes, it is still rape. god almighty i want to kill people.
Consenting while intoxicated?

In my part of the country a person is considered to have been raped if someone has sex with them while they are too drunk to give consent. Unfortunately it's impossible to quantify exactly how intoxicated a person has to be before they are 'too intoxicated.' The standard for determining if a person is able to consent or not is to consider whether or not the person thinks they would have consented had they been sober. This means that even if a person gives consent to sex while drunk, they can still file rape charges against their partner if they regret having consented while intoxicated.

What do people think about this? Personally I'm of the opinion that people are still responsible for their actions even while intoxicated, so it seems absurd to me that a person could be considered a rapist for having consensual sex with a drunk person simply because their partner regrets it when they sober up. I also think that calling this sort of thing 'rape' is pretty insulting to all of the rape victims who have actually been assaulted.
In general, yes, Nasor, you're right

The only exception I'll draw is that, at thirty, I still have friends who figure new ways of slipping women more alcohol than they think they're taking. I doubt, however, these constitute the majority of people who could be jailed under such a CWI standard.
One other question; what about circumstances in which both partners are drunk? Have they raped each other?
i had a room mate 5 years ago and he and this girl were both really drunk. they ended up sleeping together. the next day she was super pist and hated him for it. i can honestly say he wasnt to blame. she bitched and bitched. my only response to her was they were both drunk and it takes two to tango. she blamed him for it and thought she was taken advantage of. honestly though, i saw how the night transpired and she instigated everything, he just went with the flow of things. from my experience, the drunk girl often initiates the sex equally if not more than the guy. the guy is always blamed though.
Re: Consenting while intoxicated?

Originally posted by Nasor
In my part of the country a person is considered to have been raped if someone has sex with them while they are too drunk to give consent...
I originally posted this as a totally separate thread. I'm really annoyed that the moderator merged it into this thread, since it makes it look as though I was commenting on this particular case, which I wasn't. Obviously unconscious people can't consent to sex.