38 people got killed by vampire bats


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
No shit, in Venezuela!


"The 38 deaths have occurred since June 2007, with 16 in the past two months. One village, Mukuboina, with a population of about eighty, lost eight inhabitants, all children."

"They said that victims' symptoms included fever, body pains and tingling in the feet followed by progressive paralysis and an extreme fear of water. The victims also suffered convulsions and grew rigid before death."
Rabies ?

Fits it perfectly. Saying the bats killed them is a tad bit misleading..
Whats with parasitic creatures spreading diseases that harm the hosts they are dependent on? Evolutionary retardedness.
Rabies ?

Fits it perfectly. Saying the bats killed them is a tad bit misleading..

That’s like saying a gun killed a person, when in fact it takes a bullet and a person to pull the trigger……

Rabies or some other infection probably killed them and the bats were only a host to rabies or whatever and the method of delivery… either way it’s sad that the kids died……
Come on:

"Their saliva contains a substance known as draculin, which prevents their prey's blood from clotting."

By the way if rats kill 30+ people in India, I would be just as disgusted...
Come on:

"Their saliva contains a substance known as draculin, which prevents their prey's blood from clotting."

By the way if rats kill 30+ people in India, I would be just as disgusted...

Huh lol
Mosquitoes and ticks have that too.. :D
You won't die from it..
Bat's are known to be more likely to have rabies than most animals. In the UK Rabies cases are extremely rare considering we're an Island, We class it as eradicated but know there are rare cases of people bitten by bats (Not vampire ones, but "belfry" ones) They usually come into contact with them when they handle them in their job, like relocation or tagging.

There was a case a year or two back where such a handler was bitten. I'm sure the news article can be found.
No shit, in Venezuela!


"The 38 deaths have occurred since June 2007, with 16 in the past two months. One village, Mukuboina, with a population of about eighty, lost eight inhabitants, all children."

"They said that victims' symptoms included fever, body pains and tingling in the feet followed by progressive paralysis and an extreme fear of water. The victims also suffered convulsions and grew rigid before death."

Woah... thats friggin crazy. Sounds like an 80's or 90's horror film. "Based on a true story" (modification to true story: They killed 38 in 1 year, not in 1 night) :D
its so tempting to make a joke about vampires right now but that would be in poor taste:p
Rabies ?

Fits it perfectly. Saying the bats killed them is a tad bit misleading..

LOL, Isn't that like saying 'guns don't kill people, people kill people'

edit - (oh wait, I guess that point has already been made on that hair splitting)
Woah... thats friggin crazy. Sounds like an 80's or 90's horror film. "Based on a true story" (modification to true story: They killed 38 in 1 year, not in 1 night) :D

Oh, I was wondering why the gvmt didn't do something. Come in and nuke the area. Isn't that what they do on TV? ;)

Seems like the rabies would wipe out the bats after that long of a period. What gives a bat rabies? It would only be another bat right?
LOL, Isn't that like saying 'guns don't kill people, people kill people'

edit - (oh wait, I guess that point has already been made on that hair splitting)

Theres the difference of intention, don't you think ?
And besides, rabies in itself is a lifeform.
The original article is just part of a conspiracy to hide the truth - its obvious this was the work of El Chupacabras
