3-way cage match

The Devil Inside

if you take the doctrines of christianity, islam, and judaism into mind....you will see that they basically teach the same lessons.
if you were to have jesus, mohammed, and abraham over for a dinner party, what kind of discussion do you think would happen? (assume they can all speak and understand eachother)
would they try to stab eachother over the differences in personal beliefs?
i doubt it.
what do YOU think?
The Devil Inside said:
if you were to have jesus, mohammed, and abraham over for a dinner party, what kind of discussion do you think would happen?

Firstly, Abraham never pretended to any degree of Sainthood or to be a Prophet. He considered himself lucky just to show hospitality to the likes of Melchezzec, King of Salem and one who is thought to be something of a precursor to Christ. Christ, on the otherhand, was acknowledged to be a Wonderful Holy Man and never bothered to hide that he was a very significant Saint, even refering to Himself as the "I AM".. the very thing that Moses said that God called Himself. Abraham would have been very impressed.

Mohammed would have been at something of a loss. In reviewing his career there are some inescapable embarrassments. He started well enough -- he wished to correct the Polytheistic Tendencies of both Christianity (which had multiplied the One God to Three in its Trinity Doctrine) and the Primitive Idol Worship still being practiced in Mecca. But when faced with opposition, instead of bowing to Martyrdom as Christ had done, Mohammed took to arms and preached Sacred Violence, and silly doctrines that promised paradice for serving in the Military. Then, when he finally lost his wars and was brought in chains to the peace table, he signed away everything he had fought for -- allowing Idol Worship to continue in Mecca, and even PROMISING FOR ETERNITY that his followers, the Muslims, would once in their lifetime put down what they are doing and scape up money to go to Mecca to worship the native idols and buy souvenirs. There is no other way to put it then that Mohammed sold out God and everything of Principal he had once believed, and even which he had insisted that thousands of young men who followed him died for. Mohammed, who enjoyed everyone else being a martyr, was too great a coward to be a martyr himself.

So, Abraham would have enjoyed having dinner with the Saint and Prophet Jesus. But the most charitable response toward Mohammed would have been to have pity on his very frail humanity.
what about jesus to abraham, and jesus to mohammed?
what about mohammed to jesus, and mohammed to abraham?

:D this has the makings of a funny thread.
The Devil Inside said:
what about jesus to abraham, and jesus to mohammed?
what about mohammed to jesus, and mohammed to abraham?

:D this has the makings of a funny thread.

Well, Jesus would be pleased enough with Abraham, just as Melchezzek had been pleased with Abraham. Abraham is a good Host. Who does not enjoy a good host. As I've said, there would be no Religious differences. Abraham would have bowed to Christ's Sainthood. and Christ would have appreciated the show of respect.

Mohammed also would have respected Jesus. Mohammed always acknowledged the Sainthood of Christ, and even shows a great deal of respect for the Mother of Jesus, Mary, called Miriam by the Muslims. Mohammed though nettled by the doctrine of the Holy Trinity certainly could not blame that Doctrine on anything Jesus ever said.

But I did forget to mention that both Jesus and Abraham might have ganed up on Mohammed concerning Mohammed's claim to be the Last and Greatest Prophet. "Greatest" Where is the humility in that boast? And to claim to be the Last Prophet is to pledge God to be silent for the entire remainder of Eternity. By what right could a man pledge God to Eternal Silence. Indeed, it has caused more than a few problems within the Muslim Community... everytime a Muslim Mystic comes down from heaven with the slightest Message, they are killed for making a Liar out of Mohammed. But perhaps Mohammed would be able to wiggle out of that corner by claiming that he was not the "last" Prophet in the sense that he was to be followed by no other prophet, but that he was only claiming to have been the Last, as in, the Most Recent Prophet. If only we could convince the Muslim Community of that, they would not have to murder so many of their own Saints.
"Then, when he finally lost his wars and was brought in chains to the peace table, he signed away everything he had fought for -- allowing Idol Worship to continue in Mecca, and even PROMISING FOR ETERNITY that his followers, the Muslims, would once in their lifetime put down what they are doing and scape up money to go to Mecca to worship the native idols and buy souvenirs. "

Who told you that false story? Sorry dear but ^ thats make believe. No such event occured.

"Indeed, it has caused more than a few problems within the Muslim Community... everytime a Muslim Mystic comes down from heaven with the slightest Message, they are killed for making a Liar out of Mohammed."

What the heelll are you talking about? "Muslim Mystics" as you call them, are given the utmost respect. Kill them??!! haa

And Mohammed himself never called himself the "greatest." But the people who knew him, surely described in him such words.

You obviously don't care that your anti-Mohammed ness shows so much but its only making you into a liar.
You mock him with lies.
The Devil Inside said:
i forgot to mention........zoroaster is the waiter, and gautama-buddha is the line chef.

You'll get me in trouble with the Bishop, because I quite like Zoroaster better than any Catholic aught. But I don't have a heep of biographical info on him.

Buddha was more of a Stoic Philosopher than an actual Religious Figure, though He was made a Religious Figure. The emphasis of Stoic Philosophy, and Buddhism, was to achieve Peace at any Price. Love, care, concern for humanity ... all that was given up for the pursuit of a personal peace of mind. Christ flipped that on its head. Screw peace of mind if it comes at such a cost. Christ emphasized the Duty of Charity even if it should come at the occasion of Suffering. Christ rather implored Suffering where Buddha described how to dodge it.

However, Buddha and Christ are brought together by the Mahayana Movement which reconciles Peace with Suffering -- that in the Surrender of Ego into the Universal, the Action of Suffering Compassion can continue without anyOne feeling the Pain. As the Angel of the Prophet once said to me in a dream "In what two lives does not the Empty become devout, or the Devout become Empty, and when the Sufferer is gone, what becomes of the Pain?" On just such a statement, Christ and the Buddha would find their Reconciliation between the Pursuit of Peace and the Application of Compassion.
wtf? said:
"Then, when he finally lost his wars and was brought in chains to the peace table, he signed away everything he had fought for -- allowing Idol Worship to continue in Mecca, and even PROMISING FOR ETERNITY that his followers, the Muslims, would once in their lifetime put down what they are doing and scape up money to go to Mecca to worship the native idols and buy souvenirs. "

Who told you that false story? Sorry dear but ^ thats make believe. No such event occured.

"Indeed, it has caused more than a few problems within the Muslim Community... everytime a Muslim Mystic comes down from heaven with the slightest Message, they are killed for making a Liar out of Mohammed."

What the heelll are you talking about? "Muslim Mystics" as you call them, are given the utmost respect. Kill them??!! haa

And Mohammed himself never called himself the "greatest." But the people who knew him, surely described in him such words.

You obviously don't care that your anti-Mohammed ness shows so much but its only making you into a liar.
You mock him with lies.

I heard it in a movie... this old actor said "The older I get the more I know, and the less anybody cares".

I know what I know. If you knew anything, you would know the same thing I do. But you don't.

I guess you just have to read more, or pay more attention to the things that are said.

Anyway, consider Islam condoning Idolatry. I explain that. Can you? Then there is the Muslim's suppressing the Sufi Orders. I explain that. Can you? You say I don't know anything, but I explain all these embarrassing things that you apparently have no explanation for, so you ignore them.

Anyway, you should have more respect for your elders. you could learn something... which you really need to do. From what you say it seems you are almost a veritable blank slate -- completely devoid of knowledge.
Leo Volont said:
Anyway, consider Islam condoning Idolatry.
Anyway, you should have more respect for your elders.

I agree with the idolatry, but....i think the same about catholicism. doesnt mean i have to be rude about it.
you could learn something... which you really need to do. From what you say it seems you are almost a veritable blank slate -- completely devoid of knowledge.[/QUOTE]

i think we could use with a bit of learning. dont you think it is wrong to condemn someone for defending their faith with the only tools they have?
noone knows everything.
everyone has a preconception of the way things are. even you. i think that it is stupid to be rude about ignorance.
this is about a dinner party. not about being rude to eachother because of (ultimately) small differences.

i bet that if you examine your respective belief structures, you will find that they are more similar than different.
probably they will get drunk of the wine, have good discussions, make some jokes, jesus would make some more wine, mohammed would play some music while the rest would dance around him :D ... i bet they would get along :)
am i the only one that sees the humor of this topic?
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to explain in exact words what i mean haha is that all this men were unique subjects, and when you are unique you are lonely, when you find someone that is in the same situation as you do you will be happy right? even if they would have some disagreements on some points, they would anyway respect each others view and have fun the whole evening :)
The Devil Inside said:
i think we could use with a bit of learning. dont you think it is wrong to condemn someone for defending their faith with the only tools they have?

I live according to the version of the Golden Rule where I expect others to be able to take the same knocks I have taken.

I evaluated Catholicism and Christianity and decided that Paul, who the acknowledged founder of Institutionalized Christianity, was indeed the Antichrist. So you might expect that I would expect others to equally capable of criticizing their Religion.

But, yes, it could prove a problem for Muslims. When I stripped Christianity of Paul at least I was left with Christ and the Blessed Virgin. But if the Muslims were to rid themselves of their 'problem' they'd have virtually nothing left then what they had before Mohammed, which was an understanding of Religion given to them by the Traditions of Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Judaism. They'd have to start over. What they need is a Real Saint next time. Mohommed, as a man, meant well, and certainly behaved most heroically, for a man. But all of his decisions and behaviors were conditioned upon circumstances. But these conditioned responses of his are viewed by his followers as Universals. When he fought to defend himself, his followers only understand that they are supposed to fight. When he surrendered to Mecca and signed the humiliating concession that he would compel his followers to bow before the Idols of Mecca for all eternity, his followers thought Mohammed was advising them freely for their own spiritual benefit, and not out of physical duress. I really do not believe a Real Prophet would have behaved reactively -- everyone else making his choices for him. Christ would sooner die than behave in a way that could have been misunderstood by his followers. Christ could have fought, but didn't. Christ could have surrendered and compromised, but didn't. Mohammed did. It made for a flawed Religion. And I can't see how any Muslim can deny it. You have the Educated Theologians on TV discussing what the Schools have decided that Islam should be, and it is quite admirably All Goodness and Light, but then you have the stupid farmers who only know what the Quran says (these are the Fundamentalists, as stupid in Islam as in Christianity) and spend their family's life savings to bow before the Idols at Mecca which have nothing to do with God of Allah and which Mohammed had always preached against before he was brought in chains to the Peace Table where he decided it was best to change his Prophecies; and they fight everyone, because Mohammed fought everyone.

They need to do with Mohammed what Christianity should do to Paul.
The Devil Inside said:
if buddha really peed in jesus' soup....would jesus know?
and an even better question is: would he get mad?

Several attempts had been made to poison St. Benedict. Once, when poison was put in his goblet of wine, he made the sign of the cross before it before partaking, and the goblet exploded. It was his own monks who tried to poison him and they witnessed the episode. They had felt that his Rule was too severe, but perhaps they felt they had overreacted after it appeared that God would not allow them to murder their Superior. Another instance occured when an enemy sent some ******** bread into the monastery. A crow flew into the dining hall and ate a piece and promptly dropped dead.

but all of this tells us only that Jesus probably would have not come to any harm if Buddha had peed in his soup. it does not address the knowledge that Jesus would have of the hidden goings on. But many Saints have demonstrated knowledge of distant fact. In fact, it was one of the tricks that Jesus was known for, that is, being able to tell people their own thoughts and what had been their distant and secret actions. Jesus would definitely have known about Buddha's hi-jinx.

Would Jesus have been vindictive? Hmmmmm. He either dispassionately prophecized the destruction of Jerusalem, merely knowing it was to be destroyed; or He placed a Curse upon Jerusalem out of vindictiveness.

Anyway, when Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek to betray Him, we can notice that it is not said that Jesus returned the kiss.
I don't think peeing in someone's soup would be very *compassionate*.
Of course, LEO, Jesus would not be "harmed", by someone peeing in his soup.
I love the comment about Jesus making more wine, very funny. I think they would probably all be very sympathetic towards each other because their followers have given them all a bad name...