3 Commandments You Break the Most


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Religious or not, we've all broken a commandment or two. Being an atheist I really don't consciously try and break commandments but if I was a Christian, there are certainly at least 3 I break on a consistent basis. My top 3 in order are:

1. Coveting my neighbor's wife. What I like about that is that there are plenty of guys whose wives have been coveted by other men but even those guys do the same.

2. Using Lord's name in vain. Goddamn it, feels good when used in proper context.

3. I've never once kept the Sabbath holy. Sunday is for sports, drinking beer, taking a good dump.

I don't consider myself a thief but others might.

Ironically I've been perfect with not having any Gods before the Christian God and I haven't killed anybody that I know (of). I haven't built a craven image...does stacking empties count? Does anybody know what the #1 broken commandment is? I tried googling but met no success.
I'm John Derringer.

Thou shalt not murder

Thou shalt not steal

Thou shalt not render false witness.
Religious or not, we've all broken a commandment or two. Being an atheist I really don't consciously try and break commandments but if I was a Christian, there are certainly at least 3 I break on a consistent basis. My top 3 in order are:

1. Coveting my neighbor's wife. What I like about that is that there are plenty of guys whose wives have been coveted by other men but even those guys do the same.

2. Using Lord's name in vain. Goddamn it, feels good when used in proper context.

3. I've never once kept the Sabbath holy. Sunday is for sports, drinking beer, taking a good dump.

I don't consider myself a thief but others might.

Ironically I've been perfect with not having any Gods before the Christian God and I haven't killed anybody that I know (of). I haven't built a craven image...does stacking empties count? Does anybody know what the #1 broken commandment is? I tried googling but met no success.

I don't know about your personal life, but I suggest that most of us, Christians included, have broken all or nearly all of them at some time (murder may perhaps be a bit of a debate) but there's not much doubt about the others. If you extend doing it to thinking about doing it, then everyone is guilty. This was the problem with the Jew who told Christ he had followed all the commandments always (Mark 10: 17 - 22) . He was deluding himself just as we all do if we honestly think that we do not break them. We really are not that self controlled!

The Sabbath command is actually practical. People's efficiency falls off very badly if they work continuously every day. Interestingly when certain cultures have tried to increase the working days to rest days in a week by increasing the week length beyond seven days (such as the USSR) it has backfired. We all need at least one day in seven off to maintain performance. The word translated 'holy' is Strongs 06942, the Hebrew 'qadash'. It has an ordinary meaning of 'being set apart' or 'of being separate'. It does not necessarily mean that you have to go off specially to a place of religious worship on that day and Exodus 20 does not say the latter either. In fact Exodus refers to the reason for the Sabbath 'because God rested on that day'. The word 'Sabbath comes from Strongs 07673, the Hebrew, 'shabath'. It means 'to rest' or 'desist from labour'. Its original meaning had no specific reference to any religious rituals. Thus 'resting' is the prime purpose of the Sabbath. You are supposed to worship God on every day and you can worship Him in all sorts of different ways, including playing or even watching sports! You do not have to sing songs in a synagogue or church! The idea of specially worshipping God on one day is a tradition that has more to do with forgetting about God on the other six than specially worshipping him on the one!

Incidentally using the Lord's name in vain is far deeper than you suggest. The more serious aspect is using His name for your own personal ends, such as some 'evengelists' and 'healers' getting extremely rich by 'doing God's work' or for instance for pursuing political policies for your own ends because you are 'doing the will of God' (no names mentioned!). These represent a far more serious breach of the commandment than a bit of swearing!


I break the fir 4 without doing anything. Then there's lying, which everyone does. Adultrymeans anything if you're not married? Everyone breaks that one too. That's six without thinking about it. Honoring father/ mother, and don't murder are the only ones that have any real value IMO.
I KNOW, that what goes around comes around,so if you lie cheat steal and so on everyone will treat you like a thief liar etc.
so if you want to make a succes of your life you damn better be honest righteous and nice to everyone.
its that simple, no fear of gods needed;)
sure sometimes I have to curse,especialy with so many idiotic drivers out there so if thats breaking a comandment,I dont realy give a flying fuck :D