

Registered Member
i once heard a theory about the world
twas covered in ice
but not over the ground
as a seed has its shell
so the earth had hers
a shell of ice above
and when it melted the water cam down
and flooded the land below

now outragous as such
may seem at first glace
the theory would stand to time
but i simply haven't the science
to prove or disprove
and haven't the time to care
so perhaps one can do this service
and spare an effort, a thought
Listen up now, please write normally, it is not very impressive if you read like the catepillar from wonderland hopped up on opium, just try to make some sense. The poetic verse isn't all that great either.

I have never heard of any such theory, although it sounds illogical from what you described. Where did you hear about it from? And what makes you think that it the theory would "stand to time"?

Originally posted by sirian
i once heard a theory about the world
twas covered in ice
a shell of ice above
The story you heard is quite wrong,
for a shell made of ice could not float.
When water vapor cools,
it condenses and falls
to the ground as rain, sleet, or snow.

Sometimes though, storms with very high winds
can keep some of these particles afloat
for limited time they fly through the air
but soon they grow too heavy and fall.

Here endith the lesson.

Originally posted by sirian
i once heard a theory about the world
twas covered in ice
but not over the ground
as a seed has its shell
so the earth had hers
a shell of ice above
and when it melted the water cam down
and flooded the land below

now outragous as such
may seem at first glace
the theory would stand to time
but i simply haven't the science
to prove or disprove
and haven't the time to care
so perhaps one can do this service
and spare an effort, a thought
