2000 'ready' for mass cult cloning


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
CLAUDE Vorilhon, founder of the Raelian religion whose followers claim to have cloned the first human, said yesterday its goal was to create eternal life through cloning -- and make a lot of money doing it.

Now I am just scared. This is an end to evolution as we know it. Nuts will begin to reproduce parthenogenetically and outbreed the rest of us.

::bangs head on table::
Oh no worries, poor nuts don't have the kind of money to clone themselves many many times. Rich nuts would've already found a gold-digger anyways....

Originally posted by Clockwood
Now I am just scared. This is an end to evolution as we know it.
Human evolution has mostly stopped anyway. And nuttiness may not be genetic.