2 Solstice + 2 Equinox = 4 Gospels


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Thomas Paine said, "The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun."

The four gospels can be translated as the winter solstice and summer solstice, and the fall and spring equinoxes, which form a cross through the center of the zodiac (where the sun is) dividing the entire circle of life into four quarters.

Sun worship dates back to the Cult of Ptah in Egypt. The cult evolved into Judaism, then Christianity, and later Islam. Is it any wonder that the Patriarch Abraham is the 'father' of all three? Abraham represents Mars, the Sign of Aries, the Ram. The hidden meaning of Abrahamic myth is that he was told by god to sacrifice his son (a lamb) to god. That is why Jesus is often represented by a lamb. ("Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world.")

Sin was represented by darkness, the underworld. When the sun (god) 'sets,' it goes behind the Earth or to the 'underworld.' Darkness is something to fear, so it became known to early humans as sin. When the sun 'rises' again in the East, it (the sun/god)has conquered darkness or 'sin.' When the myth of Jesus (sun of god) evolved from some 25 earlier dying demigod myths, Jesus was supposed to have saved the world from darkness or sin. The sun existed then and now, but Jesus never did.

Read the gospels with this in mind. No real people are involved, only fictional literary characters. The only story they tell is about the characterizations of the zodiac which gave rise to Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
while i agree with what you say about there being references to astrology i do feel that you are missing out on the references that are non astrological.

if jesus symbolised only the sun why did he ride a donkey on palm sunday. what was the astrological significance of the last supper and the betrayal by judas etc?

there is more to it than astrology.
Such as wine. Wine is central to it...half of the biblical text is about wine. The other half is about unbelievable shit (anthropomorphic incindiary shrubbery, radioactive messiah [why else would a kid glow at birth?])...the latter is probably influenced by the former.
Hapsburg said:
Such as wine. Wine is central to it...half of the biblical text is about wine. The other half is about unbelievable shit (anthropomorphic incindiary shrubbery, radioactive messiah [why else would a kid glow at birth?])...the latter is probably influenced by the former.
M*W: Is that why I've heard the phrase, "he's lit," referring to one's intake of the juice of rotten grapes?
I would suggest David Fideler's outstanding scholarly text "Jesus Christ: Sun of God," Quest books, 1993 for the reason Medicine Woman's understanding is a little off. Also the Rabbi Joel C. Dobin's book "Kabbalistic Astrology" shows the ancient Jews were very much beholden to astrology, but this hardly makes the Bible fiction and make believe. The Jews in the Zohar constantly show their astrological understandings and leanings toward their doctrine of many worlds, etc. Because there has been an adaption of ancient beliefs (why not anyway?), hardly makes the Bible fiction.
Kerry Shirts said:
I would suggest David Fideler's outstanding scholarly text "Jesus Christ: Sun of God," Quest books, 1993 for the reason Medicine Woman's understanding is a little off. Also the Rabbi Joel C. Dobin's book "Kabbalistic Astrology" shows the ancient Jews were very much beholden to astrology, but this hardly makes the Bible fiction and make believe. The Jews in the Zohar constantly show their astrological understandings and leanings toward their doctrine of many worlds, etc. Because there has been an adaption of ancient beliefs (why not anyway?), hardly makes the Bible fiction.
M*W: I also recommend David Fideler's book, and I claim to be no astrologer. I'm currently researching how astrology came to be and how it is reflected on major world religions. Please tell me where my understanding is 'off.'
Maybe I just don't understand your stance, a very possible thing! :)

If one *can* translate the 4 Gospels as the solstices and equinoxes, does that prove them fiction and unreal? The number 4 is symbolic for many, many things from the ancient world. Just because one can symbolize them thusly, does not mean that is what they are. Yes?

Fideler's text shows that the ancient mythologies from the ancient world *are* in the New Testament, and especially the gematric relationships with Jesus and other important names and ideas. But does he conclude then that all this means is that we have a bunch of useless fiction? I personally don't arrive at that conclusion at all. Frederick Bligh Bond, among others, has shown, and rather powerfully, that there was an Apostolic Gnosis, and the heart and core of the mysteries, was indeed secret identities found via gematria. But this does not falsify so much as hide the Gospel.........
Kerry Shirts said:
Maybe I just don't understand your stance, a very possible thing! :)

If one *can* translate the 4 Gospels as the solstices and equinoxes, does that prove them fiction and unreal? The number 4 is symbolic for many, many things from the ancient world. Just because one can symbolize them thusly, does not mean that is what they are. Yes?

Fideler's text shows that the ancient mythologies from the ancient world *are* in the New Testament, and especially the gematric relationships with Jesus and other important names and ideas. But does he conclude then that all this means is that we have a bunch of useless fiction? I personally don't arrive at that conclusion at all. Frederick Bligh Bond, among others, has shown, and rather powerfully, that there was an Apostolic Gnosis, and the heart and core of the mysteries, was indeed secret identities found via gematria. But this does not falsify so much as hide the Gospel.........
M*W: "Hide" is the catch word. But is the astrology really hidden? Or was is translated wrongly from the get-go? There are just too many clues alluding to astrology than to a dying demigod savior. I don't know a lot about it, but I'm learning. What I do know is that no sun/son of a sun/god died for anyone, and all those who believe it have been duped by their own ignorance. The only way the bible can be read is to read it from a cosmological standpoint. By doing that would direct the readers to be on the same page.
But even this dying/resurrecting God idea *IS* in the astrology/astronomy aspect of the skies and their motions. So the symbolism is there from the get go as well. Whether one takes it literally or cosmologically, it is a reality to the ancients...........

NICE discussion by the way, thanks!
Medicine Woman said:
The four gospels can be translated as the winter solstice and summer solstice, and the fall and spring equinoxes, which form a cross through the center of the zodiac (where the sun is) dividing the entire circle of life into four quarters.
I thought that there were originally more than 4 Gospels, and that it is only by chance we have 4 now - the others being deemed "unworthy"?
So there could have been 3, or 5.

"If you look hard enough for a link, you will find one, even where none may exist."

If I cut my sandwich into 4 - does this symbolise the Sun somehow? Or the 4 Gospels?

I'm obviously being facetious, MW, and you might be right. The Bible is undoubtedly an important book for any number of reasons. I just find that people often read far too much into things, merely 'cos they want to find something, not because it's actually there.
Actually, according to the New Testament scholar, Helmut Koestler, there were originally over 80 Gospels! The reason 4 were chosen, is, of course, because of the propensity of early Christians to enjoy, use, and grasp the symbolism of the number 4, as found in Ezekiel's vision of the chariot, with the four figures of the man, lion, eagle, and ox, also included in the Revelation of John. So yes 4 is symbolic, without question, and within that aspect, there is meaning to be had, though the Gospels be as fiction, though I don't think they were meant that way.
Sarkus said:
I thought that there were originally more than 4 Gospels, and that it is only by chance we have 4 now - the others being deemed "unworthy"? So there could have been 3, or 5.
M*W: Yes, there are a number of the Gnostic Gospels, and you bring up a very good point. It's just a theory of mine, and I'm certainly not an expert. The Romans (bible compilers aka early church fathers) were responsible for the bible's contents. They understood paganism and astrology. Ancient catholicism is right on target astrologically, so I think they knew what they were doing. There's just too much symbolism to be ignored.
"If you look hard enough for a link, you will find one, even where none may exist." If I cut my sandwich into 4 - does this symbolise the Sun somehow? Or the 4 Gospels?
M*W: No, obviously not. There's probably more symbolism in the numerology, though, than in the astrology.
I'm obviously being facetious, MW, and you might be right. The Bible is undoubtedly an important book for any number of reasons. I just find that people often read far too much into things, merely 'cos they want to find something, not because it's actually there.
M*W: You are right, of course. People do read more into the bible than what is there. Look at what christians have done! They've created a dying demigod savior named Jesus who died for their sins, and they believe they'll live eternal life in heaven with him and his father God. Yeah, right. And I'll be swinging on a star, I suppose. I'm not claiming I believe in astrology. It's just another man-made religion whose interpretation can be stretched any way you want it. I just believe the bible was written as ancient astrological (god forbid I use the word 'calendar' to as not to upset c7ity_), so I'll just call it an "astrological chart." The numerology in the bible is quite telling as are the "signs and wonders."

Astrology pre-dated Israel, and even Jews admit that there is a lot of astrological references in their bible. It even pre-dated the Babylonian empire, Greece and Egypt. It was used commonly, though, in Egypt. All the bible "stories" and "parables" are based on astrological events. I wish I knew more about it. Again, I'm not saying that I believe this to be the 'true' religion (there is no such thing as a true religion). I'm just saying that it is a very old religion that has changed names over the millenia and evolved into the various local religions of the masses. I only wish to bring insight to those who believe the bible is talking about a dying demigod savior when they have just invented another name for the sun.
Medicine Woman said:
god forbid I use the word 'calendar' to as not to upset c7ity_

Really, I was just wondering why you called it a calendar. Curiosity.

I only wish to bring insight to those who believe the bible is talking about a dying demigod savior when they have just invented another name for the sun.

That demi-god means the self. "I am the way, truth and life." We have crucified our higher self into space and time. That's what it originally means. Cube symbolized matter in ancient times, and if a cube is opened it can form a cross, or a "T".
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