2 New World Orders?


Registered Member
Hi all,
I had a dream a couple of nights ago. In the part of the dream that is relevant I woke up in medical facility where someone was using a laser tool to "read the bar code in my brain." After they had done that I understood that I was in some kind of military context.

I wandered the facility and argued with fellow patients about quantifying psychic powers. I found a hallway that narrowed down to a small passage and as I crept down it I got afraid. At about that moment I noticed a bar code sticker on the wall, and then realized they were all over the building. I realized they were interacting with my brain to keep me (and the other patients) entirely monitored. This did not strike me as wrong. I wallked by a room where kids were playing video games. The game being played involved an ET military force invading American suburbia and killing people. The point wasn't to kill people exactly but to save their souls from the clutches of consumerism. The medical facility was some kind of center of activity for that suburban invading force...

Back in reality, yesterday, I heard Peter Gabriel's re-mixed version of "Games Without Frontiers" in which the verse 'War without tears' is emphasized. I got to thinking what that means. Non-lethal warfare comes to mind; mind control as well as the "warfare" of economic competition.

Is it possible that the tyranny of corporate control and ownership is the only real force that will successfully counter war and nation state rivalry? That at some point the world will be so tied together economically that overt war will be silly since we'll all be the same market place and served by the same corporate interests?

I know from where we sit now at the beginning of the 3rd millenium this up and coming centralized control smells of tyranny but what if it's merely a stage in a larger process?

On www.cseti.org there is are a lot of new articles about zero-point and free energy systems, (using scalar electromagnetic technologies which have been supressed for 50 years) which could revolutionize the world.

Maybe the corporate powers that be don't want to give us the energy freedom until they have us "locked down" and fully monitored. It sounds scary but a question I always have to the anti-NWO crowd is what is the alternative? The militia groups and others have a glorified notion of freedom. Our freedom to drive SUV's and live in suburbs means poverty for the 3rd world (OK, maybe oversimplified.) I don't think Isolationism is an option any longer. The world is too interconnected for that.

Then there is the other side of the coin. What if this whole NWO process is divinely ordained? I know to ardent Christians that's a scary concept and the Mark of the Beast and various Revelations come to mind but I'm also aware that the Baha'i scriptures are full of references to the New World Order and quite logically explains the necessity of a one world government to help unify the planet.

I think a difference between the Baha'i NWO and the corporate NWO is that there is a spiritual element in the former that is lacking in the latter. If more recognition of humanity and common values could be infused into the New World Order process then we might not fear it as much. As it is it seems to be nothing but centralizing corporate and political power for the benefit of the few over the many.

I sometimes wonder if these two NWO's are different sides of the same coin? The overt political and economic unity and centralization may provide the climate for other less tangible types of unity when we are all eating and consuming the same types of products. This may be exactly the right climate in which to introduce free energy systems, thus insuring that the whole planet can sustain a middle-class level of consumerism and profit for all.

Thoughts anyone?

Speaking about the mark of the best. :)

Is it possible that the tyranny of corporate control and ownership is the only real force that will successfully counter war and nation state rivalry? That at some point the world will be so tied together economically that overt war will be silly since we'll all be the same market place and served by the same corporate interests?

I know from where we sit now at the beginning of the 3rd millenium this up and coming centralized control smells of tyranny but what if it's merely a stage in a larger process?

Now your starting to see the biger picture! This whole process has been going on sence the time of Andrew Jackson along the way there have been many steps. At one point overt war was needed continue the process such as WWI and WWII. Both helped achive thier goals a little faster and under cover of war, but now overt world war would destroy the eniter process. I saw a show about AI and robotics a couple of weeks ago and it got me to thinking. If we were to get to the point of haveing robots and computers doing the major portion of human work that is done now what impact would not only have on us but our economy? What changes would be needed to be made inorder for it work, if nobody realy had to work? Sure people would hold some kind of occupation just keep active, but there would be little need. Allthough the NWO doesn't seem to be addressing these issues. Espeacialy when they use phrases such as "Useless eaters" to refer to any one that is not in the NWO.

I don't think the NWO has any devine intentions or guidence. If it did why the need to hide? If it were devine nothing could stop it so there would be no need to hide. Also if it wer devine there would have no need to sluaghter people like they have all ready done.

All I know is what I understand. All I understand is what I know. :)

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited February 01, 2000).]
TripleSix,...Whoops! Alias mix-up. Sorry...<font color = Blue>BrainFlash,</font>

<img src ="http://users.esc.net.au/~nitro/BBoard_member_gifs/bowser_anim.gif">That's a freaky dream. So, did you need new sheets in the morning?

<font color = Blue>"Is it possible that the tyranny of corporate control and ownership is the only real force that will successfully counter war and nation state rivalry? That at some point the world will be so tied together economically that overt war will be silly since we'll all be the same market place and served by the same corporate interests?"</font>

That's an interesting thought because it is a common business practice to obtain new markets, cheap labor, and additional resources. China is one of the new hopes for the acquisition of all three.

I question the idea that economic ties will counter war and other conflicts. Under that form of control, we would find ourselves battling each other for our employers' gain. Most likely, nobody would fight for such an interest, not without some moral high ground or national pride to give the cause some legitimacy. Not many would risk their lives for their employers; but if the cause was masked by some acceptable, common principle, who knows what could be accomplished.

<font color = Blue>"It sounds scary but a question I always have to the anti-NWO crowd is what is the alternative? The militia groups and others have a glorified notion of freedom. Our freedom to drive SUV's and live in suburbs means poverty for the 3rd world (OK, maybe oversimplified.) I don't think Isolationism is an option any longer. The world is too interconnected for that."</font>

I think the largest concern with the NWO opposition is the possibility that they themselves will become members of the 3rd world. Also, freedom includes more than just driving SUV's (yes, over simplified).

I agree that we need unity, but that unity must come from the mutual interests of everyone involved. We must share the power of government equally. A true democracy has yet to be practiced.

<font color = Blue>"I think a difference between the Baha'i NWO and the corporate NWO is that there is a spiritual element in the former that is lacking in the latter. If more recognition of humanity and common values could be infused into the New World Order process then we might not fear it as much..."</font>

My perception of the answer is that both the government and corporate powers should be molded into tools which better serve the citizens and improve life for all. Dare I say...Bowserism.

<font color = Blue>"As it is it seems to be nothing but centralizing corporate and political power for the benefit of the few over the many..."</font>

Yes, but what are we to do about it?

It's all very large.

[This message has been edited by Bowser (edited February 01, 2000).]
What are the 2 new world order? :confused:

everything is not what it
appears to be