2 neo-Nazi skinheads accused of plot to kill Barack Obama


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
now firstly i dont belive these people have yet been found guilty but anyway

2 neo-Nazi skinheads accused of plot to kill Barack Obama

October 27, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Two white supremacists allegedly plotted to go on a national killing spree, shooting and decapitating black people and ultimately targeting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, federal authorities said Monday.

In all, the two men whom officials described as neo-Nazi skinheads planned to kill 88 people -- 14 by beheading, according to documents unsealed in U.S. District Court in Jackson, Tenn. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community.

The spree, which initially targeted an unidentified predominantly African-American school, was to end with the two men driving toward Obama, ''shooting at him from the windows,'' the documents show.

''Both individuals stated they would dress in all-white tuxedos and wear top hats during the assassination attempt,'' the court complaint states. ''Both individuals further stated they knew they would and were willing to die during this attempt.''

An Obama spokeswoman traveling with the senator in Pennsylvania had no immediate comment.

Sheriffs' deputies in Crockett County, Tenn., arrested the two suspects -- Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tenn., and Paul Schlesselman 18, of Helena-West Helena, Ark. -- Oct. 22 on unspecified charges. ''Once we arrested the defendants and suspected they had violated federal law, we immediately contacted federal authorities,'' said Crockett County Sheriff Troy Klyce.

Viewed 28/10/08 at 13:44

Forget for one min they planed to finish with obama, to me thats the least of the crime. How could ANYONE plan to kill 88 school children, 14 by beheading?

I mean look at all the money being spent in the middle east to stop these kinds of things happerning there and they are being plotted by your own people:(

this is truly disterbing:(
Wanting to kill Barack was really the least important part of their plot. They didn't even believe they'd be able to do it. And if what the reports say are true about them wanting to "drive at Obama really fast while firing out the window", they wouldn't have even gotten close to him.

What's frightening is that they wanted to kill 88 black people.

But that's who we raise in the South. Shouldn't surprise anyone.
JDawg, wait-you're saying we raise nothing but racists in the south? Just want to be clear.

No, I'm obviously not saying that. But racial tensions in the south are worse than anywhere else in the country. Hence, the hate groups concentrate there rather than, say, the West coast.
Why the hell doesnt the federal goverment use its anti terriousium powers to crush these groups?

it could do it, this was a foiled terrioust plot (you cant tell me killing 88 people and cutting the heads off 14 of them isnt designed to cause terror) there for the paitroit act could easerly be aplied. Forfiture of assets, blocking or shuting down websites, aresting these nuts and dismatiling there organisation
We have our troubles in the North, too


For the record, you should try Idaho and Montana sometime.
I heard on NPR that white supremacists are voting for Barack Obama because they believe his victory will finally "show" the whites how they have "lost control" of America.
racists suck, no doubt about it.
Hey hey, wait a second, don't be such a racistophobe, this was the act of two crazy individuals, no where in the racist manual (or the naz'ran) does it suggest racists should decapitate black people or black presidents.
You find where it says that! You find it!!!!
Obama's response to this was:

Obama said:
You know, look, I think what's been striking about this campaign is the degree to which these kind of hate groups have been marginalised. That's not who America is. That's not what our future is.

What I've found is that people here, they don't care what colour you are. What they're trying to figure out is who can deliver.
Racism in the deep south is why racial tensions are so great in places like Chicago and Boston!

Oh wait, they are in the north. What about Detroit? Dang that's in the north too.

Maybe America just sucks on race issues...
james, i dissage with him. These nuts SHOULD be marginalised

You misunderstand his comment. He isn't saying "What a shame hate groups are marginalised." He is saying that the current Presidential campaign has, in fact, been conducted in a way that has given no air to hate groups, and hence that as a matter of fact such groups have been marginalised.

He is saying that Americans are not, by and large, haters.
I heard on NPR that white supremacists are voting for Barack Obama because they believe his victory will finally "show" the whites how they have "lost control" of America.

No. False. People are also saying that closet racists say they will vote for Obama in the polls, but they will not vote for him at the voting booth because they can't bring themselves to do it. First off, speculate WHY they are doing this, it's sad really. Then, realize that what you said is the same thing as the example I provided. As much as I love NPR, it is bipartisan, which to them means having some idiots talk every once in a while.
Racism in the deep south is why racial tensions are so great in places like Chicago and Boston!

Oh wait, they are in the north. What about Detroit? Dang that's in the north too.

Maybe America just sucks on race issues...

That was in the 1980s. Racial tensions aren't great in Boston, I'm in Boston.
I'm not saying theres no racism here, but the racism isn't the hateful kind it's the fearful kind and the elitist kind.
That was in the 1980s. Racial tensions aren't great in Boston, I'm in Boston.
I'm not saying theres no racism here, but the racism isn't the hateful kind it's the fearful kind and the elitist kind.

Racial tensions in the Northeast are nothing compared to what they're like in the South. We don't hang nooses from trees in high schools like the Southerners do. We don't wave flags that represent slavery and oppression like they do in the South.

Detroit has problems that have nothing to do with race. Poverty, industry running away from the city like it was on fire...these things are not black and white issues.
Racial tensions in the Northeast are nothing compared to what they're like in the South. We don't hang nooses from trees in high schools like the Southerners do. We don't wave flags that represent slavery and oppression like they do in the South.

I don't know. Perhaps it's the hidden, veiled racism of the north that's actually worse than in the south. At least in the south, racists are more apt to be open about it and not stab someone in the back. In the north, a racist has to be careful ....so his method is much more backstabbing.

Look, I'm sorry, but y'all just have to face facts ...wherever blacks live, there's going to be racism. People can lie about it all they want, but it shows up when the chips are down.

Baron Max