17th Conference Challenges Mainstream Science


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David de Hilster
Tel: 310-991-5744

Scientific Conference Offers Public Day with Experiments, Displays, Speakers Challenging Mainstream Ideas

A day of scientific inquiry and challenges to such theories as Einstein's theory of relativity, the Bernoulli Effect, and plate tectonics are offered for public scrutiny for the first time by the Natural Philosophy Alliance, a worldwide scientific organization.

Long Beach, California, May 26, 2010 – The 17th Annual Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA) announces its first Public Science Day on Saturday June 26, 2010 at the UC Long Beach Pyramid Pointe Conference Center from 9 am to 6 pm during its 4-day conference starting June 23 at Cal State Long Beach. Independent scientists from around the world will be on hand for a day of experiments, demonstrations, thought provoking lectures, and comradery. Experiments and demonstrations include the growing earth, a refutation of special relativity, a refutation of the Bernoulli Effect, and how GPS in fact does not use relativity to name a few. The public day is part of a 4-day scientific conference which challenges mainstream ideas on such topics as relativity, cosmology, and physics.

Kicking off the day, GPS expert Ron Hatch will explain that, contrary to popular opinion, GPS systems are designed using Newtonian rather than Einsteinian mechanics, and that these systems challenge Einstein’s famous equivalence principle. Next world famous comic book artist Neil Adams will display stunning animations that capture a decades-old theory of an growing earth, defying the commonly accepted plate tectonic theories. In the early afternoon Dr. Michael McKubre will answer the question “How Hot is Cold Fusion?” as he did when he appeared on 60 Minutes in April 2009. Rounding out the quartet of featured speakers, science hobbyist Bill Beaty will explain the difference between technical putzing and true experimental science, and why the latter is so valuable. True to form, Beaty will also demonstrate live his high-speed magnetic levitator and microwave ball lightning, viewed by millions on youtube.

Throughout the day, visitors will have a chance to see Marko Rodin demonstrate his fascinating Rodin coil, pass their hand through a flame of Brown’s gas right after it melts a quarter, and witness simple experiments that challenge our understanding of Bernoulli’s principle. Decide for yourself with live demonstrations and models if unipolar induction confounds Einstein’s theories, if a vertical Michelson-Morley experiment gives a non-null result, if experiments can produce gravitational anomalies, and if it’s possible to physically model the atom.

The NPA’s full scientific conference takes place at UC Long Beach from Wednesday, June 23 through Saturday, June 26. Independent scientists from around the world have submitted over 100 technical papers, to be collected in a conference proceedings book, available to the public for $25. From 8:30 to 6:00, Wednesday through Friday, many of these scientists will present the ideas from their papers to an attentive audience of peers. Interested students may also register for the conference and hang out to discuss physics with the many presenters in the campus dorms. On Friday evening, the NPA will host a banquet where they will honor three seasoned scientists with the second annual Sagnac Award, the Noble Prize of independent physics. This year’s recipients are Dr. Thomas E. Phipps Jr. of Urbana, Illinois for his prolific writings on Hertzian Dynamics, applying the total time derivative to electrodynamics; Dr. Milo M. Wolff of Manhattan Beach California, for his theories on the wave structure of matter; and Dr. Evert Jan Post of Westchester, California, for his dedication to a statistical, non-Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. Appropriately Dr. Post authored the definite 1967 paper on the Sagnac Effect, which has challenged Einsteinian paradigms since it was first discovered experimentally in 1913, just one year before Post was born.

For more information, call 562-508-4504, email contact@worldnpa.org

About The Natural Philosophy Alliance

Founded in 1994 by the late John C. Chappell, the Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA) is a forum for independent scientific ideas organized to hold scientific conferences. The NPA has met annually in various cities across the United States to share, discuss and debate scientific ideas ranging from relativity and aether theories to Tesla concepts in energy, from quantum mechanics to expanding earth, from gravity to cosmology and the Big Bang, from cold fusion to structural models of the atom. Over the years, the NPA community has fostered an ethic of tolerance, giving all serious researchers a hearing. As a result, though not all NPAers agree on what’s right in science, they claim a surprising unity about what’s wrong.

About The World Science Database

Founded in 2008, the World Science Database (WSD) profiles scientists working outside the mainstream. The WSD provides links to thousands of abstracts and scientific papers from over 100 independent scientific journals and hundreds of independent scientific conferences, since 1990. The WSD is the largest collection of non-mainstream scientific papers ever assembled with over 1700 scientists from over 60 countries.

Moderator: This needs to be moved to Pseudoscience.

Agreed. I have just checked the website in case if it was something to do with philosophy as the name offered, but no; nothing to do with philosophy either. This is definitely a Pseudoscience.
I wonder if it all a scam to collect money from those who believe in conspiracies.

Note that they are selling a book on the proceedings for $25.00

I guess they charge something to register for the conference, and maybe they charge those who want to present papers.

Perhaps the Cold Fusion crackpots did not make any money, but somebody was getting a few hundred dollars for kits alleged to allow replication of the Fisher/Pons experiments (I am not sure about the spelling of those names).
Independent scientists from around the world will be on hand for a day of experiments, demonstrations, thought provoking lectures, and comradery.

For "independent scientists", do we read "scientists not employed by any reputable research or educational institutions"?

Experiments and demonstrations include the growing earth, a refutation of special relativity, a refutation of the Bernoulli Effect, and how GPS in fact does not use relativity to name a few.

The designers of the GPS system sure thought they were using relativity. I guess it's just an accident that the system works at all...

I can't wait to see the "growing earth" demonstration. How will that work, exactly?

And you're going to prove that the Bernoulli effect doesn't work, and therefore aeroplanes can't fly after all? Great!

Next world famous comic book artist Neil Adams...

Don't forget "independent scientist"!

On Friday evening, the NPA will host a banquet where they will honor three seasoned scientists with the second annual Sagnac Award, the Noble Prize of independent physics.

What a noble prize that must be.
Hey, you're the dick who is responsible for that 'Miracle Year' film about your mother going around and talking to physicists, deluding yourself and her that you're a challenge to the physicists and their views rather than mild annoyances due to your preconceptions. I see its still in development, missing the 2005 centenary by a few years! Though you deny it on the FAQs you're associated to autodynamics, which is clearly falsified, making your complaints about GR hypocritical.

Its clear from this thread and your post that you've failed to meet basic scientific standards and present evidence and reason against relativity and now you're doing pointless media whining. And your spelling of 'Nobel' as 'Noble' is deliciously ironic.
The CessPool might be more appropriate.
Moderator: This needs to be moved to Pseudoscience.
PseudoScience is for SciFi-like speculation, not for crackpots deriding GR & promoting cold Fusion.