15 minutes of Fame.


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
I'm sure you've all heard of this, that everyone is suppose to have at least 15 minutes of fame throughout their life.

Okay it might be a little different now, it might be 15 pages hidden away in a number of corporate databases that spout junkmail out at you.

Still I thought why not ask the peoples that populate the boards, what do you reckon your 15 minutes of fame would be about?

(Anyway, if you were to read most of our posts from end to end, you'd be here a few hours.)
The strange thing is that people have emailed me saying that they have read all my posts, which must have taken hours! So I guess I had my 15 minutes there too. And I´m very grateful and amazed that they took the time. :)
But if I were to choose just 15 minutes of fame for a particular reason, I wish that it would be for my intelligent compassion. How those 15 minutes would then turn out to be fame-wise, I have no idea. Maybe if I could produce a worldwide wave of love that rolled over the planet and forever changed the human consciousness to be more compassionate and wise.
Was that too sleezy? :p

Bebelina: So, basically you want to be the next Buddha? :)