11 September 2001: How computers were used - you were fooled with 2 digits

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<h3>9/11 Holograms Hoax - exposed</h3>
The most important trick that lead people to believe the most devastating hoax ever - evolution theory - was a <b>black and white</b> <b>cartoon</b> with a four drawings sequence from ape to human.
One century later, the most important trick used to let people believe the first &quot;live&quot; hoax broadcasted worldwide was a <b>fuzzy black and white TV footage shot in a low budget studio</b>.
32 years later, the most important trick used to let people believe that planes were the weapon used in the first mass slaughter broadcasted live worldwide was ... <b>cheap software,</b> inserted by the first global TV channel, CNN.

The trick used by dozens of sites setup by the CIA &quot;debunking&quot; 9/11 was to use techniques of diversion and false tracks with the goal to discredit the simple truth.
BIG LIE techniques go as far as, for special audiences, stating 99 pct of truth, as long as those audiences swallow the rest, i.e. the core lie.

The CIA &quot;conspiracy&quot; site that is debunked below (gallerize.com), goes much further in stating true facts than for instance CIA agent Alex Jones does (<a href="http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=53515">who is now even on CNN</a>).
In fact it even exposes one of the core lies (the fact that there were no planes at all), using the holograms hoax to cover-up the core lie #1: that fact that CNN inserted the second plane, disapearing behind the tower before the explosion, live with software.
Below a transcription of a discussion deleted from a forum setup by the CIA (godlikeproductions.com) exposing the disinformation techniques used by <a href="http://www.gallerize.com/2005-01-11_001_MI_SG_UA175.htm">gallerize.com</a>.
yea, and the towers were really stolen by aliens :rolleyes:
those americans with their conspiracy assumptions............
don't see so much crap coming out of other nations
I didn't think even the illustrious MattMarr was dumb enough to claim they were holograms. It's not even April 1st.
Actually this is a tactic used to discredit conspiracy theorists, (such as those who rationally ask quite reasonable questions as to how the towers collapsed, where was the plane that hit the pentagon, etc).

What you do is you make ALL conspiracy theorists seem like fucking wackos by coming up with something totally bizarre, like "aliens" or "the illuminati" or "they were holograms not planes".
That way people think "those crazy conspiracy theorists" and stop asking questions.
Its called "poisoning the well".

Can you clarify MattMarr do you believe they were holograms? Or are you saying that those who say they were holograms are full of shit?
I think I felt a few brain cells die when I read that. :(

Should I even try to refute this? It seems like a waste of time.
Avatar said:
yea, and the towers were really stolen by aliens :rolleyes:
those americans with their conspiracy assumptions............
don't see so much crap coming out of other nations

Aw come on, be honest with yourself, now, most of the rest of the world buys into a world Jewish Conspiracy.
duendy said:
don't mock. explain why his theory can't be ?

<b>Hologram Technology Is too Limited</b>

the projectors would need to be numerous and enormous and take up an ungodly amount of power to make a realistic looking projection against the morning sky. They would be very easy to find, and impossible to conseal because in order to function they'd need to be in plain site.

A projection would not reflect light in an intuitive way from multiple angles (as we can see in the many videos captured in NY on 9/11)

Modern holograms need to be projected onto some sort of film or surface - there's no such thing as a free floating hologram, so if this were true then something just as large as a jet liner would have to be flying into the towers at the same speed as the planes.

Holograms are not solid, and as such can not colide with a solid object let alone cause an explosion or leak jet fule and cause fires.

<b>Missing planes and people</b>

American Airlines and United really did lose those planes - they were hijacked and they are now gone (destroyed). If the planes that hit the WTC were holograms, then where did the planes go?

People were on those planes, they are dead now, they have left survivors. Where are the people? Are all the families and friends of 9/11 victims hapless dupes? Were teenagers children and numerous people who otherwise have nothing in commen actualy all CIA plants now in hiding from their families and friends?

Come on, duendy, it's not too hard to see that this idea is full of so many holes that it's rediculous. learn to recognize the absurd when you see it.
leopold99 said:
is mystechs post enough proof duendy?
Leopold. dude, wasn't ME who came up with the hologram thang....rememberrrr

all i wanted was an alternative to the mockin and someone EXPLAIN why not. which someone did adequately, yeah?
MattMarr said:
The most important trick that lead people to believe the most devastating hoax ever - evolution theory - was a <b>black and white</b>
<b>cartoon</b> with a four drawings sequence from ape to human.
A hoax is not a hoax untill it is disproved. people who disagree with evolution are a minority. If you want that opinion then fine, i disagreee but it isn't the most obsurd suggestion. However when you mix it in with this reubbish you are destroying the credibility of your religion.
MattMarr said:
One century later, the most important trick used to let people believe the first &quot;live&quot; hoax broadcasted worldwide was a <b>fuzzy black and white TV footage shot in a low budget studio</b>.
I assume your refering to the moon landing, PROVE IT!
the evidence that suggests a fake is so small it's crap.

MattMarr said:
32 years later, the most important trick used to let people believe that planes were the weapon used in the first mass slaughter broadcasted live worldwide was ... <b>cheap software,</b> inserted by the first global TV channel, CNN.
Look, i have visited New York twice in my entire life, once in 2000 ( i saw the twin towers) and once in 2004 ( I didn't see the twin towers )

Where did they go then? were they never there and hollograms all along?

For god's sake people saw the planes, saw the fireballs and saw the towers fall down!

MattMarr said:
The trick used by dozens of sites setup by the CIA &quot;debunking&quot; 9/11 was to use techniques of diversion and false tracks with the goal to discredit the simple truth.
BIG LIE techniques go as far as, for special audiences, stating 99 pct of truth, as long as those audiences swallow the rest, i.e. the core lie.
GIVE ME A MOTIVE!! ( and don't saw the bush-enron evidence in WTC7)

MattMarr said:
The CIA &quot;conspiracy&quot; site that is debunked below (gallerize.com), goes much further in stating true facts than for instance CIA agent Alex Jones does (<a href="http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=53515">who is now even on CNN</a>).
If he's on CNN give us a link to CNN!!! The link is to another thread on sciforums, BY YOU!!!

MattMarr said:
In fact it even exposes one of the core lies (the fact that there were no planes at all), using the holograms hoax to cover-up the core lie #1: that fact that CNN inserted the second plane, disapearing behind the tower before the explosion, live with software.
Below a transcription of a discussion deleted from a forum setup by the CIA (godlikeproductions.com) exposing the disinformation techniques used by <a href="http://www.gallerize.com/2005-01-11_001_MI_SG_UA175.htm">gallerize.com</a>.

WTF!!!! a commercial television company inserted a plane!
You are a gullible fucked up loser with nothing better to do than make up shit about the CIA.
Go talk to the UFO people, you might get on quite well. Maybe you could tell them that they are hollograms by CNN. That is more likely
people in mental homes are more retarted than you, you are a fucked up little loser, whos life is so sad that you buy into this stupid lie, god you are seriously in need of help, think again before you post shit like this again
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