10 diseases we'll cure in the next 20 years

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Impressive list! Will you live long enough to see the day? That's the question..

"To these I would like to add blindness, multiple sclerosis, most kinds of paralysis.

So put together we have the following list:

1.Most cancers




5.Multiple Sclerosis



8.Anxiety disorders

9.Heart disease


Many will also rejoice to hear that the continuing developments in stem cell research will likely cure baldness, although that is not, strictly speaking, a disease."---http://www.ilookforwardto.com/2011/...-diseases-well-cure-in-the-next-20-years.html
Impressive list! Will you live long enough to see the day? That's the question..

"To these I would like to add blindness, multiple sclerosis, most kinds of paralysis.

So put together we have the following list:

1.Most cancers




5.Multiple Sclerosis



8.Anxiety disorders

9.Heart disease


Many will also rejoice to hear that the continuing developments in stem cell research will likely cure baldness, although that is not, strictly speaking, a disease."---http://www.ilookforwardto.com/2011/...-diseases-well-cure-in-the-next-20-years.html

It is a nice wishful filling .. I heard in 1968 war on cancer by president Nixon and I have a book on cancer printed 1935 So there have past several 20 years and cancer steel with us
I understand the need and wanting to find cures for those illnesses and diseases.

But i would suggest that to find a way to totally clean your lungs would be a good thing to get done. Loads have lung problems even if they do not know it.

So although many of those things are important on your list, i would if i was them try to make a way to clean your lungs if thats even possible. I do not know if science can do this any time soon. But it would help people alot in all sorts of ways.

Also on depression i think this is beneficial to humans in small forms, so i do not think that curing this is a must, sort of like the common cold. The cold is one of those things that is important to humans. But of course it can be dangerous, but its important to most people.

Being depressed in my life helped me, so i am not sure about the need to fix it, and i am not sure they can really do it.

I really think cleaning a persons lung is possible, and many live there whole lifes with serious lung problems, and this in turn damages there health as the lungs are very important obviously.

So if i was them i would add a way to clean lungs if that is possible, i think it is, but i am not sure with medicines.
Impressive list! Will you live long enough to see the day? That's the question..

"To these I would like to add blindness, multiple sclerosis, most kinds of paralysis.

So put together we have the following list:

1.Most cancers




5.Multiple Sclerosis



8.Anxiety disorders

9.Heart disease


Many will also rejoice to hear that the continuing developments in stem cell research will likely cure baldness, although that is not, strictly speaking, a disease."---http://www.ilookforwardto.com/2011/...-diseases-well-cure-in-the-next-20-years.html

Magical Realist, who are these "we" that will be doing the curing you speak of?

Are they the same "we" that are currently making billions of dollars in profits annually by the continued maintenance of those diseases?

Magical Realist, what, pray tell, is the reasoning behind your statement : "10 diseases we'll cure in the next 20 years" ?
Magical Realist, who are these "we" that will be doing the curing you speak of?

Are they the same "we" that are currently making billions of dollars in profits annually by the continued maintenance of those diseases?

Magical Realist, what, pray tell, is the reasoning behind your statement : "10 diseases we'll cure in the next 20 years" ?
I know you try to claim title to the "Dumbest" but we would think you could click through to the links:
Gero Hütter, M.D., Daniel Nowak, M.D., Maximilian Mossner, B.S., Susanne Ganepola, M.D., Arne Müßig, M.D., Kristina Allers, Ph.D., Thomas Schneider, M.D., Ph.D., Jörg Hofmann, Ph.D., Claudia Kücherer, M.D., Olga Blau, M.D., Igor W. Blau, M.D., Wolf K. Hofmann, M.D., and Eckhard Thiel, M.D.​
I know you try to claim title to the "Dumbest" but we would think you could click through to the links:
Gero Hütter, M.D., Daniel Nowak, M.D., Maximilian Mossner, B.S., Susanne Ganepola, M.D., Arne Müßig, M.D., Kristina Allers, Ph.D., Thomas Schneider, M.D., Ph.D., Jörg Hofmann, Ph.D., Claudia Kücherer, M.D., Olga Blau, M.D., Igor W. Blau, M.D., Wolf K. Hofmann, M.D., and Eckhard Thiel, M.D.​

Randwolf, who is this "we" you speak of? Are you claiming to speak for the names listed?

The link you Posted refers to a "single, isolated" case - and even mentions this : "the exact methods used to remove HIV from ***** will likely prove too severe to see use in other patients, his cure raises the possibility of new avenues of attack against the disease. Should this case raise our hopes about a universal cure for HIV/AIDS? Yes, but with some big caveats."

Randwolf, did you even read the Link completely?

Speaking of what you "know" - did you know that the plural of "link" is "links" - plural refers to more than one! Yet you only Posted one single "links"!!

Randwolf, it appears that what you "claim" to "know" is somewhat suspect.
You have really earned your moniker "dumbest man on earth". Good luck...
It is a nice wishful filling .. I heard in 1968 war on cancer by president Nixon and I have a book on cancer printed 1935 So there have past several 20 years and cancer steel with us
But cancer is not the death sentence it used to be. I know many people who are cancer survivors. My girlfriend is approaching 12 years cancer free.
You have really earned your moniker "dumbest man on earth". Good luck...

Randwolf, I gave myself the "moniker" of dmoe, so...it was not "earned"!

Why do you state : "Good luck..."?

Randwolf, I read your Post and also read the one single "links" you Posted - what problem do you have with those actions? I even went as far as Posting a quote from the one single "links", that seemed to contradict not only the Title of this Thread - but possibly even your reason for "copy/pasting" it. Was that not proper conduct on my part?

I was courteous enough to give your Post due consideration and also offer feedback on it.

Randwolf, you seem to not offer myself the same courtesy. Is there a logical and rational reason that you fail to respond in kind?

I could not help but notice that the phrase you chose beneath your own moniker contains the word "ignorance" - am I or "we" expected to infer something from that?

Randwolf, do you expect me to respond in kind, by making a puerile remark about your sub-moniker - well, I cannot, because adult men do not engage in such childishly inane practices.

Randwolf, please have a Happy Holiday Season!
But cancer is not the death sentence it used to be. I know many people who are cancer survivors. My girlfriend is approaching 12 years cancer free.

gmilam, here's hoping that she experiences many more decades free!

May she, yourself, your families and loved ones all have a Happy Holiday Season!
gmilam, here's hoping that she experiences many more decades free!

May she, yourself, your families and loved ones all have a Happy Holiday Season!
Thank you. I'm sure it will be. Cancer survivors really know how to celebrate life.

And Happy Holidays to you and yours.
lol - almost reads like an onion article

reminds me of a comic strip about a new drug called "future".

People who consumed it would be overwhelmed at their brilliance in the future and get around in groups in a very excited manner and talk about how they were elated to receive their third consecutive nobel peace prize in 2026 and so on.

Actually if you look at the detail of the article, its simply amounts to a group of atheists trying to manufacture excuses to hate religion and open the channels on dubious or controversial scientific practices :


Social Darwinists, religious fundamentalists and other skeptics towards game changing science will do their part to decelerate this progress, as they did with in vitro fertilization (which continues to give the joy of parenthood to millions), gene modified crops (which continues make food increasingly affordable to the hungry masses without the prophesized side effects) and on countless other accounts.

yeah rite

Nothing about the obvious obstacle of trying to succeed in medical fields on the hearsay of a blogger and his pals who are totally bereft of any expertise in the said fields .....

Impressive list! Will you live long enough to see the day? That's the question..

"To these I would like to add blindness, multiple sclerosis, most kinds of paralysis.

So put together we have the following list:

1.Most cancers




5.Multiple Sclerosis



8.Anxiety disorders

9.Heart disease


Many will also rejoice to hear that the continuing developments in stem cell research will likely cure baldness, although that is not, strictly speaking, a disease."---http://www.ilookforwardto.com/2011/...-diseases-well-cure-in-the-next-20-years.html

MR, here are some other candidates.

kidney disease
Thank you. I'm sure it will be. Cancer survivors really know how to celebrate life.

And Happy Holidays to you and yours.

For your girlfriend .

Cell biologists at Johns Hopkins have identified a unique class of breast cancer cells that lead the process of invasion into surrounding tissues. Because invasion is the first step in the deadly process of cancer metastasis, the researchers say they may have found a weak link in cancer's armor and a possible new target for therapy. A summary of their results will be published online in the journal Cell.

"Metastasis is what most threatens breast cancer patients, and we have found a way to stop the first part of the process in mice," said Andrew Ewald, assistant professor of cell biology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Before metastasis occurs, single cells on the edge of a tumor, termed leader cells, form protrusions into the surrounding tissue, like someone dipping a toe in to test the water before deciding to venture farther, Ewald said. If the conditions are right, the leader cells act as guides, with many tumor cells following behind, as they escape the confines of the tumor into the healthy tissue beyond. Full metastasis occurs when the cells succeed in migrating to a new location— the lungs, for example— and set up shop, creating a new tumor.
