1 for James R

Interesting specifically:

For over two decades astronomers have been searching for the apparent "dark matter" that is thought to be responsible for gravitational effects in the rotations of galaxies, the virial motions in clusters of galaxies, and other astrophysical anomalies. It has been thought that 90 percent of the matter in the Universe must consist of dark matter. But the extradimensional ideas of modern superstring and M-brane theory have begun to open yet another possibility: that there is no dark matter within our Universe after all; rather that the gravitational force of matter in adjacent membrane-universes is spreading out and spilling over into our universe. In other words, entire other universes might exist a tiny fraction of an inch away from our Universe in one or more extra dimensions. We cannot see these universes because their photons of light are stuck to their membrane-universe just like our photons are stuck to our membrane-universe, but gravitational forces can reach from one membrane-universe to another.
Imagine a millimeter size stable wormhole somewhere between earth and mars. To get to the otherside, you first have to find a sensor that locates anamolies in gravity pattern and pinpoints the hole. Then you have to design a device that streches the hole for a short period like a second so that your spaceship can be pushed through....

Just some thoughts....
From An information site on the UFO phenomenon by and for professional scientists.
I have been...
During my career I...
I have learned quite a bit...
I see myself...
...I have now gotten to the point...
I propose ...
Argument from Authority lives on, even in the machinations of the apparently scholarly. At least I, myself, openly admonish and invite people herein to question my claims to authority, even as I spout them. :)

What are we to make of this?

Since when is intangible Consciousness the province of tangible-orientated Science? Where's this guy coming from?

Some 4 years ago, I shared a radio station studio with Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell. As we were being interviewed, pro/con, he was opining on his research into the mind as Quantum Hologram.

This seems to parallel Haisch's "The true spirit of Science,...remains...freeing the imagination to look beyond the physical world[/quote].
Okay, but how far beyond the physical world is too far to be certain what you imagine has any real-world relevence?

Haisch first uses the opening page of his web site to establish himself as an authority of inarguable merit, before he reveals specifically what he wishes one to consider to be true.

He says "Be skeptical" but he never once says "Be skeptical of me, too."


Inquiring minds want to know.