1,341 Priests Accused Since 1950


Objectivist Mind
Registered Senior Member
These sob's just can't keept their pricks in their pants!!

The clergy has been a breading ground for pedophiles for a long time, documented back to the 50's in this report, how about the hundreds of thousands going back to the ancient times that were not documented out of fear!!. :eek:


Godless said:
These sob's just can't keept their pricks in their pants!!

The clergy has been a breading ground for pedophiles for a long time, documented back to the 50's in this report, how about the hundreds of thousands going back to the ancient times that were not documented out of fear!!. :eek:


M*W: You know, Godless, I was surprised by this number, but I was not shocked. My mother, who was not Catholic and didn't like them, told me about the immigrant girls she grew up with (20s-40s in remote Appalachia) who talked about the priests having sex with them! I always ignored this, because I thought my mother was just gossiping about something she didn't like, but now I remember what she told me. Even so, my converting to Catholicism was partly rebelling from my mother. And, actually, I didn't "convert" from another religion, I was raised agnostic. From my own personal experience when I was Catholic, I had two priests during the course of my Catholicism where rumors abounded. The first was a neighbor lady who came on to our priest, but he rejected her, and of course, she told her side of the story. Secondly, another priest I had in Germany was found to be frequenting prostitutes. He was removed from duty and was said to be willingly "institutionalized(?)." Where I don't know. He was probably just on leave repenting for his sins.

My grandmother told me the same thing happened to her school friends in the Pittsburgh area. She was not Catholic either. Never did I hear from them that this occurred between priests and boys. That wasn't talked about even when it did happen.

I will say this, when any natural urge is stifled, it will come out in an unnatural way. There is no way for something so deep and natural to our human psyche as sexual contact, that if forced to be inhibited, it will reappear as something perverted somewhere else in that person's life.
M*W, I was born into a catholic family, I've never heard of this happening in my family, however we'r latinos from South America, my mom had no complaints only lots of questions they were not willing to answer, she's now a deist. But it is known to happen, this is nothing new, priest are viewed as authority to a minor, they trust that he knows what he is doing, and that he is a "man of god" they don't expect to be violated sexually, however when it happens the priest just scares them, and threaten them with burning in hell, and shiet like that, the kids buy into this deception and keep their traps shut for the rest of their lives, it has happened for generations, and it's still happening today, however it took courage of one man to come forward and inquire about one preist, and the rest is history. This phenomenon is not only isolated to the Catholic priesthood, other authoritarian church personalities have been known to molest children or abuse women in their church, and the silence is kept, by these women or kids, because of the consequences of been exposed is just too much to bear, and the embarrasment is too great. It takes courage to expose these sob's and unfortunetly most kids are not courages to expose such an authorative individual, as for a woman been molested, the priest only tells them "it's you word against mine if you try and tell any one, what've I got loose, your an alcoholic, drug adict, etc. you loose on credibility" authorative power, that's what they seek, and could not find in bussiness, or the job industry, so they find it in the church, the authority then is misused, to the extent of rapping a child, or woman.

1100 or so cases of sexual abuse over 50 years might not be abnormal with respect to other professions. Most other organizations don't keep detailed statistical records so it's difficult to say what is consider typical. I suspect that sexual abuse is quite common in other professions. Even at a job I used to work, two woman customers brought some allegation to me about someone who I work with.
okinrus said:
1100 or so cases of sexual abuse over 50 years might not be abnormal with respect to other professions. Most other organizations don't keep detailed statistical records so it's difficult to say what is consider typical. I suspect that sexual abuse is quite common in other professions. Even at a job I used to work, two woman customers brought some allegation to me about someone who I work with.
M*W: okinrus, you need to stop siding with pedophiles, even if it is your religion. Sexual abuse is common in all facets of life, but it shouldn't occur in the priesthood. You would think that would be void of such perversion. Even so, sexual abuse is not welcome in any profession. I am curious how two women brought allegations toward you! You sexy thing, you!
okinrus said:

So, when anything like above happens in christianity or Hidusm, it is never a fault of religion or religious people but when it happens is Islamic country every one jump on their guns? May I ask why such a paranoid behaviour?
M*W: okinrus, you need to stop siding with pedophiles, even if it is your religion. Sexual abuse is common in all facets of life, but it shouldn't occur in the priesthood. You would think that would be void of such perversion. Even so, sexual abuse is not welcome in any profession.
There are priests who are evil and wicked, though this does not infringe on the sanctity of sacraments. The parishioner's faith makes up for the lack of the priest's. I have a book from St. Louis De Montford that gives an account of two wicked priests.

I am curious how two women brought allegations toward you!
No, I believe that more co-worker just flirted with them someway. Problem was that the two girls would not say exactly what he did. I even asked the women that he was working with, and she said that he must have just looked at them the wrong way or something.
So, when anything like above happens in christianity or Hidusm, it is never a fault of religion or religious people
Unless if the religion explicitly teaches someone to engage in pedophila, I don't see how the doctrines of one religion would be held at fault.

but when it happens is Islamic country every one jump on their guns? May I ask why such a paranoid behaviour?
I only recall one Islamic case. I don't really know what you mean by this? The reaction from the press was highly overreactive, since they never compared the statistics with other professions that deals with children such as teachers.
The clergy has been a breading ground for pedophiles for a long time...

That is misleading. Pedophiles may be drawn to join the clergy because it gives them access to children, but that doesn't mean the clergy in any way condones or "breeds" pedophilia.
No! you are right and correct, the clergy does not support such behavior, however it has been a breeding ground for pedophiles. Just look at the historie of the article since the 1950's priests have been either pedophiles or molesting women. (my statement holds water, just by reading the article alone) It's the position of an authority in the church, and the fear of getting cought is minimal to these people, it is their "authorative" word against a commoner, here in the Western Society, someone that steps forward has better chances at exposing a pedophile than in anyother society. The reason been is that the Western Society is a little bit more secular. However the allegations have to be proven, if no one else steps forward against same individual the chances become minimal at getting justice.

The amount of child molestation in the clergy, will never be known fully, "not all victims will step forward" some children have been molested that have no idea that they were been fundled with, "improperly", they may be fooled easily, and cohersed to accept the fundeling as normal behavior, by the time they grow up, they will "if not represed the memory" they will know they have been, mildly fundled, hence "not painful" and may feel that this not be exposed. It is those who have been raped, hence the experience been "painfull" who are more likely to repress the memory of the act, and chanses are they will never remember, and if they do, they don't recall who, or just feel like exposing, it seems that just recently this "phenomena" comes to light, people are been reminded if they have been molested by some priest and an overwhelming amount of people have stepped forward. (How about the silent victims) Those are the ones we will never know about. The silent victims will never step forward, do to many variations of circumstances mainly "fear", exposure, media blitz, threaten, repressed memory and gawd knows what.

In other societies, just exposing some clergy of any divinations may be considered criminal, your word means little, and many will not stand with you, out of fear. You'r pretty much screwed "literally". It's better been an atheist.

Someone may wonder, of how I've reached my conclusions. Just in case.

When our first Barnes&Noble opened in El Paso Tx. (I lived there at the time this happened) I went there looking at all sorts of books, it is cool, how you can pick up a book and proceed to read it, chairs are provided, etc.. Anyhow in the "self-help" section I saw a book named "Living in Denial" Or something similar I didn't buy the book, nor do I remember if the title is totally correct but something like that, nor do I know the author, I thought it was something about living with out a drug dependencie, I began reading the book, and it was about "sexual behaviors" Adults molestations of children, and children living in denial. Needless to say, I read quite a bit through several chapters, at random, it was mostly "stories of different individuals and circumstances" of how they been molested as children, and the such, I learned of reppressed memories, and the unacceptability of one parent partner, not believing the child when the child tried, to expose Father/Mother, to the behavior, hence "denial" it was a pretty eye opening experience, of how lucky I've been in my life, with my mom, and dad, and the priests I happened to have met as a child, and an overall healthy childhood that I went through. It only reminds someone when one reads such things as of how lucky we truly are if nothing, like those stories had taken place in one's life. I quess that is why the reading of such stories stuck with me. A few years latters, we hear of "child molestation in the clergy" I just put those experiences of that one book, with relativeness of what is happening, in the clergy. It can't be much different, than been molested by one's own parents. And those kids that have been molested by priest all of this time, have been "living in denial".
