06/06/06 - Bush & Solana offer Iran nuclear technology, as predicted by ET Prophet

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Illuminati script for 6 June 2006 confirmed, as predicted by End Times Prophet

AP, June 6, 2006 - A package of incentives presented Tuesday to Iran includes a provision for the United States to supply Tehran with some nuclear technology....

The offer was part of a series of rewards offered to Tehran by European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana, according to the diplomats, who were familiar with the proposals and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were disclosing confidential details of the offer.

NYT, June 6, 2006 - European diplomats and a senior Bush administration official said the offer was going to include a commitment to support Iran's plan for a nuclear energy program for civilian use; this was to include building light-water reactors...
The most compelling item, though, may be the American offer announced last week to end its nearly three-decade policy against direct talks with Iran and to join in the negotiations over Iran's nuclear program.
Washington has also offered to waive trade sanctions against Iran to allow the purchase of American agricultural appliances and the sale of Boeing aircraft parts, along with aircraft and parts from Airbus, according to government officials.
The United States and Europe also agreed to back Iran's membership in the World Trade Organization.

Explained first October 1999. Archived first by Internet Archive Wayback Machine, February 2001
Mar 18, 2002: - http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://matt-marriott.faithweb.com/solana_e.html
Feb 10, 2001 - http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.terravista.pt/guincho/2104/solana_e.html
BTW, check another historic link give in that page, at "according to the Congressional Research Service of the US (1995)"

---- Almost seven years later
The illuminati script for 6 June 2006 (06/06/06) - explained worldwide first by ...
Funny, I can't remember you predicting this. Do you have any other predictions that haven't gone off yet that you'd like to share with us?
Why are so many nutjobs out there hellbent on seeing that they are right about the worlds demise? It's not very optimistic and it's very negative in attitude. I mean I can understand some statements made to attempt to scare people into reasoning that doing destructive things is bad, but all this armageddon nonsense.... keep it to your bible classes.
There are no "End Times". Its just a myth made up by christians when they were persecuted by rome. And the Illuminati dont exist, if one group controled the world there would be peace.
spiritual_spy said:
There are no "End Times". Its just a myth made up by christians when they were persecuted by rome. And the Illuminati dont exist, if one group controled the world there would be peace.

there probably is still the illuminati in existance but its probably back in bavaria where it originated from
thedevilsreject said:
there probably is still the illuminati in existance but its probably back in bavaria where it originated from
Yeh, a bunch of spotty bavarian teens with a flag and map of the world, which they use as a table for their tabletop miniature gaming.

"Yay, I conquered France"
Communist Hamster said:
Yeh, a bunch of spotty bavarian teens with a flag and map of the world, which they use as a table for their tabletop miniature gaming.

"Yay, I conquered France"

thats bollocks and you know it

they couldnt afford the equipment for minature gaming
Heres something that you weren't expecting Mattmarr the self professed prophet, "Thread Closure" and it's a perfect triad. Its a funny thing that things come in threes... train wrecks, plane wrecks and three threads that attempt to wreck anyones brain who attempts to read your drivelling rhetoric.

Rather than posting to this forum, sit infront of your computer and type a book, Dan Brown did it and it ended up a best seller (Even though it was utter b*ll*o*s)
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