‘The international community has betrayed the people of Gaza’


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Awesome, I am very happy that someone is still doing his job as required by ethics

From mondoweiss.net:

Today, 16 major humanitarian and human rights organizations have issued a report calling the international community to task for a year of inaction following the devastating Israeli attacks on Gaza a year ago. Titled "Failing Gaza: No rebuilding, no recovery, no more excuses," the report says the world has "betrayed" the people of Gaza by failing to end the Israeli blockade which is making reconstruction and recovery impossible.

Oxfam International Executive Director Jeremy Hobbs:
"It is not only Israel that has failed the people of Gaza with a blockade that punishes everybody living there for the acts of a few. World powers have also failed and even betrayed Gaza’s ordinary citizens. They have wrung hands and issued statements, but have taken little meaningful action to attempt to change the damaging policy that prevents reconstruction, personal recovery and economic recuperation."

Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen:
"The wretched reality endured by 1.5 million people in Gaza should appal anybody with an ounce of humanity. Sick, traumatised and impoverished people are being collectively punished by a cruel, illegal policy imposed by the Israeli authorities.

"Israel’s responsibility to protect its citizens does not give it the right to punish every man, woman and child of Gaza. All states are obliged under international law to intervene to put an end to this brutal blockade but their leaders are failing in this fundamental measure of their own humanity. All states must insist that the Israeli government end its blockade and let the people of Gaza rebuild their shattered lives."

Its good to see human rights groups identifying the victims in the exchange.