¡Taking Charge! Personal Responsibility and Reducing Abortion in Texas


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Lone Star Logic

Don't worry, ladies, Tony's got ye covered.

My stepmother is from Texas, and she absolutely despises the proposition that claiming her Lone Star pride means answering for the crazy shit that goes on down there. To the other, she is hardly unrealistic; to the one, she lives in the Pacific Northwest, and, to the other, if you ask her what I'm supposed to tell my daughter about Texas, her answer is, "Stay out of Texas."

Hell would anyone worry about Texas right now, anyway?

A Republican lawmaker in Texas who proposed a bill that would criminalize abortion said the policy would force women to be “more personally responsible” for their sexual behavior.

“Right now, it's real easy,” State Rep. Tony Tinderholt (R) told the Texas Observer. “Right now, they don't make it important to be personally responsible because they know that they have a backup of 'oh, I can just go get an abortion.' Now, we both know that consenting adults don't always think smartly sometimes. But consenting adults need to also consider the repercussions of the sexual relationship that they're gonna have, which is a child.”

Tinderholt's bill, the Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act, would ban abortion at every stage of pregnancy and amend the state's penal code to allow women and providers to be charged with murder for the procedure. The bill has no exceptions for rape or incest, because Tinderholt said he doesn't think “there should be any exceptions to murder, no matter what.”


Because, yeah, that shitforbrains the Republican from Texas House District Ninety-Four―Arlington, Pantego, Dalworthington Gardens & environs―has a half a clue what he's on about.

Meanwhile, if the problem is personal responsibility and considering repercussions, then perhaps Mr. Tinderholt ought to consider a sexual harassment bill criminalizing continuing pursuit, courtship, pestering, or otherwise after the first refusal. You know, a felony for saying, "Come on, baby!" Up it a class if he calls her a bitch, cunt, or dyke.

I wonder if men in Texas are ready for the personal responsibility of basic decency?

Anybody want to open a book on whether or not Mr. Tinderholt cares?

Meanwhile, the Arlington fishwagger's absurd abolitionism raises a good point:

¡Take Charge! ― What can Texas men do to help reduce unwanted, unexpected, and unplanned pregnancies?​


Bassett, Laura. "Texas Lawmaker: Jail Time For Abortions Would Make Women 'More Personally Responsible' For Sex". The Huffington Post. 24 January 2017. HuffingtonPost.com. 24 January 2017. http://huff.to/2jPM8YP
Wtf. So, women are solely responsible for getting pregnant, now? Considering that Texas lawmakers are seeking the death penalty for women who have abortions, even in situations of rape and incest...I guess Texas believes that women are responsible for those circumstances, as well. That abortion would be considered a crime, is nothing short of barbaric, let alone a crime that would have the death penalty attached to it.

I doubt this bill will be passed, but it sets a tone for a potentially long trend, ahead. Makes my heart ache. :redface:
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was he voted in to his position of taking working class tax money for spouting extremist ideology ?
or was he adopted into power by someone to accept bribes from church groups ?

church groups that promote the death penalty ...

what type of religions promote the death penalty ? = isil ... ?
Hmm, good question. But, many conservative Christians are pro-death penalty. Kind of a mixed message to send as ''pro-lifers,'' eh?
Hmm, good question. But, many conservative Christians are pro-death penalty. Kind of a mixed message to send as ''pro-lifers,'' eh?

and if it turns out the person killed is innocent ?
then who pays with their life ?
the judge AND the jury and the prosecuting lawyers and the people pressing the buttons and moving the innocent person into the death chamber ?

what happens to "seeking justice" then ...